On Sat, May 12, 2007 at 07:53:33PM +0200, SZALAI Karoly wrote:
> megkeresem, akkor utananeztem, de most mar nem tudom, mi volt
> pontosan.

rosszul emlekeztem, protocol violationnel dobja el:

What does SMTP protocol violation: synchronization error (next
input sent too soon) mean?
SMTP is a "lock-step" protocol, which means that, at certain
points in the protocol, the client must wait for the server to
respond before sending more data. Exim checks for correct
behaviour, and issues this error if the client sends data too
soon. This protects against malefactious clients who send a bunch
of SMTP commands (usually to transmit spam) without waiting for
any replies.

ennyit talaltam igy hirtelen. de philip hazel irt rola egy
hosszabbat is.
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