* Li-Ta Lo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050308 20:13]:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]/freebios--devel--2.0
> what is the tla command for
> cvs -d:xxx login
> cvs -d:xxx co freebios2
You would do:

* once (preperation to use arch in general and on the openbios.org repos):

  # make TLA know about you 
  tla my-id "Li-Ta Lo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" 

  # make TLA know about where to find the code
  tla register-archive ftp://ftp.openbios.org/pub/arch/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

  # register key
  wget  http://www.openbios.org/~stepan/gpg/openbios-arch.pub
  gpg --import openbios-arch.pub

* then everytime you do a fresh checkout:

  tla get [EMAIL PROTECTED]/freebios--devel--2.0 freebios2

  will fetch the tree calling the target directory freebios2


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