
this new thread is here just to get some early testing and info on the
GA-M57SLI SPI flash.

The IT8716F is indeed used for LPC-to-SPI translation as I supected.

LDN 0x0, reg 0x24: val=0x1a
  serial flash interface at pin 29
  LPC write to serial flash enabled
  512kByte of flash are mapped at top of 4GByte
  128kByte of flash are mapped at top of 1MByte
  (1152kByte can be mapped at most)

LDN 0x7, reg 0x64/0x65: val=0x08/0x20
  serial flash interface base addr 0x0820 (that's an I/O port)

What I need:
* Byte reads from all ports between 0x0820-0x0827 on the SPI version of
the GA-M57SLI under factory BIOS. Should be harmless.
* Exact type of SPI flash chip (datasheet link would be nice)
* Volunteer who can reflash manually once my writing code is ready.


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