2008/5/24 Praveen A <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> "The national body of South Africa (SABS), as a P member of JTC 1,
> hereby submits an appeal against the outcome of the fast track
> processing of DIS 29500 Office open XML.

Brazil followed South Africa in standing upto ISO sellout.

I hope some more will follow. One quote from the letter, showing what
happened at BRM as a clear picture.

"Brazil has tried to present this proposal, during the debates, on the
first day of the meeting and, attending to a request made by the
convenor, Brazil has taken offline discussions with USA and other
delegations and prepared its proposal to be presented on Friday,
during USA proposal presentation. On Friday, when USA ended their part
of presentation and asked for Brazil to present its part of it, the
convenor denied this opportunity to Brazilian delegation.

Several delegations has protested against that arbitrary decision, but
those appeal was in vain and until the end of the BRM, the Brazilian
delegation was not able to present its proposal. The main reason
alleged by the convenor was "lack of time"."

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