On Sep 08 2008, Rogério Brito wrote:
> I just compiled a new 2.6.27-rc5 kernel for my standard Kurobox (an
> embedded NAS that has an MPC8241 CPU, if I'm not mistaken) and upon
> booting, I get these scary messages and Call Traces:

I obviously forgot to attach the files in the previous e-mail. :-(

Here they are.

Thanks again in advance, Rogério Brito.

Rogério Brito : [EMAIL PROTECTED],ime.usp}.br : GPG key 1024D/7C2CAEB8
http://www.ime.usp.br/~rbrito : http://meusite.mackenzie.com.br/rbrito
Projects: algorithms.berlios.de : lame.sf.net : vrms.alioth.debian.org

Attachment: bug.tgz
Description: GNU Unix tar archive

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