Anton Vorontsov wrote:
On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 11:00:48AM -0500, Scott Wood wrote:
Even if the given change may not break the firmware, it could force an
update in which a prior change breaks the firmware.

I'm not sure I'm following here. Could you give an example?

1. U-boot X1 is used with kernel Y1 and device tree Z1.  All is well.
2. U-boot X2 needs device tree Z2. Device tree Z2 goes in kernel Y2. It will break when used with u-boot X1, so users of u-boot X1 do not upgrade their device trees. All is well. 3. Kernel Y3 makes a change to the device tree (now Z3) that it needs. This change does not have u-boot compatibility issues by itself, so the kernel developer feels confident saying "go ahead and upgrade your tree, it should be fine". Users of U-boot X1 pull in the latest device tree, which includes the changes made in device tree Z2. Breakage.

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