> Can you halt the processor with JTAG and look at the contents of __log_buf?
Ok I'll try that as soon as I can get CodeWarrior to work again...

> > 1. Is it possible ?
> Yes, I believe so, but I haven't tried.
> > 2. Do you have any idea how it can be achieve ?
> You should be doing the right thing.  Are your userspace init scripts
> trying to start a getty on the non-existent console device?
Nope and using init=/bin/sh 
gave me /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off
And then 
/ # tty
not a tty

Is helpful ? This is while using console=ttyS1,115200 (so when I know
it's working)

> > 3. Do you know a bug in that could prevent this to work ?
> no
Ok :) 
> > 4. The 'chosen' node is empty in my dts, does it require something to be
> > set ?
> no
Good to know 
> I think your best bet is to figure out some way to get at __log_buf to
> retrieve the kernel output after the failed boot.
Ok I'll try to revive CodeWarrior (I would better appreciate a BDI2000,
but I'm stuck with a Freescale USB TAP that require CodeWarrior)

> Cheers,
> g.
Thank you

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