On Fri, 2011-01-21 at 12:15 -0600, kevin diggs wrote:

> I have a GigE (PowerMac 3,4?) with an upgrade card that has a pair of
> 7455s on it and an 8600 with a 750GX cpu card. I can probably test
> this on the GigE. It is running 2.6.36. Is that recent enough? The
> 8600 is not cooperating.
> The GigE is running 2.6.36 compiled with 4.3.5 built from sources. It
> seems to run fine. 

The bug would have caused the kernel to allow enabling of "nap" mode
when idle on machines where this is buggy and can cause loss of cache
coherency among others. I really don't remember off hand which specific
machines may or may not have been affected. But I'd like at least people
to verify that my patches to "fix" that aren't causing a regression for
people like you who don't seem to have problems :-)

The bug was introduced a while back in 2005.


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