On Wed, 27 Apr 2011, David Laight wrote:

> > prev and val are both 64 bit variables holding 32 bit numbers, we do
> not
> > accumulate in either, they are both replaced by values directly from
> the
> > registers.
> > So prev > val will not always be true.
> The code seems to be:
>     prev = local64_read(&event->hw.prev_count);
>     val = read_pmc(event->hw.idx);
>     delta = check_and_compute_delta(prev, val);
>     local64_add(delta, &event->count);
> Which looks very much like 'prev' being a 64bit counter generated
> from the 32bit pmc register.

Which implies that it will only ever be 32 bits wide, just stored in 64.

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