On 06/29/2011 02:58 PM, Josh Boyer wrote:
>>  This makes me wonder if a similar thing might eventually be usable for
>>  running an i686 or x32 guest on an x86_64 KVM host.  I have no idea if
>>  that is even theoretically possible, but if it is it might be better to
>>  rename the ioctl to be architecture agnostic.
>On x86 this is not required unless we want to "virtualize" pre-CPUID CPUs. Everything as 
of Pentium has a full bitmap of feature capabilities that KVM gets from user space, including 
information such as "Can we do 64-bit mode?".

Ah.  Thank you for the explanation.

To clarify a bit further, running an i686 guest on an x86_64 host is not only theoretically possible, but is done regularly. First, x86_64 is backwards compatible with i686 (so you can install a 32-bit OS on 64-bit hardware), and second, you can impersonate 32-bit guest hardware on a 64-bit host.

error compiling committee.c: too many arguments to function

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