On 09/04/2014 10:08 PM, H. Peter Anvin wrote:
> On 09/04/2014 05:59 PM, Peter Hurley wrote:
>> I have no idea how prevalent the ev56 is compared to the ev5.
>> Still we're talking about a chip that came out in 1996.
> Ah yes, I stand corrected.  According to Wikipedia, the affected CPUs
> were all the 2106x CPUs (EV4, EV45, LCA4, LCA45) plus the 21164 with no
> suffix (EV5).  However, we're still talking about museum pieces here.
> I wonder what the one I have in my garage is... I'm sure I could emulate
> it faster, though.

Which is a bit ironic because I remember when Digital had a team
working on emulating native x86 apps on Alpha/NT.

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