Dear Flavio,

in message <1E354700654661418593A0D6B5A9D410A3618E at> you 
> > Are you sure this was done well?
> Well _no_ I'm not sure this was done well but I can tell you exactly
> what I have done. For uart.c I've completely removed SMC1 and SMC2 from
> serial_state rs_table and rs_brg_map[]. If I don't remove this my serial
> port does not come up at all initially. For tty_io.c I simply to do not
> call rs_8xx_init because it kills my serial port, i.e. if I let it this
> code execute there is no more output on my serial terminal.

I recommend to return to the original code, and get this working. You
can probably use the driver in our  CVS  as  reference;  we  fixed  a
couple of issues for example in the area of BRG assignment.

Wolfgang Denk

Software Engineering:  Embedded and Realtime Systems,  Embedded Linux
Phone: (+49)-8142-4596-87  Fax: (+49)-8142-4596-88  Email: wd at
No journaling file system can recover your data if the disk dies.
                                 - Steve Rago in <D4Cw1p.L9E at>

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