Hi Wolfgang

> I recommend to return to the original code, and get this working. You
> can probably use the driver in our  CVS  as  reference;  we  fixed  a
> couple of issues for example in the area of BRG assignment.

I have returned to the original uart.c. Although it still kills my
serial port it has nothing to do with the unable to open initial
console. Will the original uart.c I still get logging in
/var/log/messages and I can see it is still doing the same thing. Yes,
uart.c is probably something that I will still have to look at, but it
is not the root cause of my original problem. Any more suggestions would
be appreciated since I feel I've hit the brick wall quite severely now.
Besides file permissions (which Im conviced are fine now) what else
could cause the kernel to not be able to open a console?


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