On Mon, May 05, 2014 at 02:39:58PM +0200, Jiri Benc wrote:
> I'll wrap them but the result will look uglier than this.

You version looks like this:

                msg->management.targetPortIdentity.clockIdentity = 
                msg->management.targetPortIdentity.portNumber = 

Those are 103 and 104 columns. In contrast

                msg->management.targetPortIdentity.clockIdentity =
                msg->management.targetPortIdentity.portNumber =

doesn't look so ugly to me. (Try an 80x25 xterm.)

> The border between COMMAND and SET is fuzzy here. I don't have too
> strong preference, except that I'd need to rewrite the set for the
> 4th time and retest it again :-/

Sorry for being a pain, but I really don't want to have any COMMANDs.
> > None of the existing COMMAND actions send any data (except for that
> > useless initialization key) or configure anything. Instead, they are
> > some sort of imperative like "restart!" or "reset!"
> Except that the INITIALIZE command does have data.

It has a key with *one* allowed value. That is virtually the same as
not having any data. The information content is zero.

> In fact, neither of those fits. The closest thing in the standard is
> unicast negotiation which uses a different TLV than management which is
> not applicable here. I won't argue about this but I'm not thrilled
> about rewriting and retesting this again for something that's just a
> matter of taste.

You are right that the signal TLV is closest. I wouldn't object to
having this TLV be a signal message instead. (I am planning on
implementing unicast negotiation.)  But if it is a management message,
it really doesn't match the other commands.


If you can't find the time to reform this patch, then I'll do it, if
you want. That won't spare you any testing, however.


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