On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 04:49:38PM +0100, Andrei Perietanu wrote:
> I tried the easy option *run ptp4l with the '-2' (L2 transport) flag* but
> that changed nothing... so I tried something different: I changed
> tx_timestamp_timeout  from 1000 to 100 and now I get some output on the
> slave node.

That is really very suspicious. I think this must be a red herring,
and something *else* changed.

> The output of the master node:
> ptp4l[622024.340]: selected /dev/ptp1 as PTP clock
> ptp4l[622024.340]: port 1: INITIALIZING to LISTENING on INITIALIZE
> ptp4l[622024.340]: port 0: INITIALIZING to LISTENING on INITIALIZE
> ptp4l[622026.448]: port 1: new foreign master 00e04b.fffe.3b5762-1
> ptp4l[622030.527]: selected best master clock 00e04b.fffe.3b5762
> ptp4l[622030.527]: assuming the grand master role
> ptp4l[622030.527]: port 1: LISTENING to GRAND_MASTER on RS_GRAND_MASTER
> and that's it..stops at that

Normal for a master node.

> The output of the slave node:
> ptp4l[459942.424]: selected /dev/ptp0 as PTP clock
> ptp4l[459942.425]: port 1: INITIALIZING to LISTENING on INITIALIZE
> ptp4l[459942.425]: port 0: INITIALIZING to LISTENING on INITIALIZE
> ptp4l[459949.497]: port 1: LISTENING to MASTER on
> ptp4l[459949.497]: selected best master clock 00e04b.fffe.3b5762
> ptp4l[459949.497]: assuming the grand master role
> ptp4l[459953.600]: port 1: new foreign master 002590.fffe.f2c1e4-1
> ptp4l[459957.700]: selected best master clock 002590.fffe.f2c1e4
> ptp4l[459957.700]: port 1: MASTER to UNCALIBRATED on RS_SLAVE
> ptp4l[459976.701]: master offset        145 s2 freq  +16538 path delay 16238

This is also working.

> now, when this happened, I noticed my system clock went rogue - for some
> reason it thinks it's July 11th 12:00 am (it's configured toget time
> automatically from the internet)

That is strange. You must be sure to turn off NTP first, if you want
to use phc2sys (or ptp4l with SW time stamping). Otherwise, the two
programs will fight each other.
> So, two questions come to mind:
> 1. is ptp working correcly now? O sould I see some messages on the master's
> console as well

Yes, looks like it.

> 2. why did my system clock decide to change tu such an awkward  value?

Are you perhaps still using SW time stamping? That would explain it.


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