
On Fri, 2015-04-17 at 23:14 +0200, Richard Cochran wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 06:45:56PM +0000, Keller, Jacob E wrote:
> > Or should it only list the actual filters it upscales to and not the
> > more restrictive filters that will still work in the hwtstamp ioctl but
> > will end up reporting a more general filter?
> This variant is the most useful one, IMHO.  The ioctl should tell us
> what the HW can do.

Ok this is what I've tended towards.

> > There are some drivers I have seen do either way, and I think some
> > clarification on this would be quite useful.
> I still think the multitude of filters is just noise and not
> practical.  From the user's point of view only V2_L2_EVENT,
> V2_L4_EVENT, V2_EVENT, or ALL make any sense.

Alright. So only report the most general configuration in ethtool.

I'll see about what other drivers do and posting a patch to bring
everyone in line with this for consistency.

Thanks for the input.

> Thanks,
> Richard

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