I am getting the result below with the check_clocks utility.
downloaded from:

cve@cve-sbc-flt2:~/work$ sudo ./check_clocks -d enp3s0 -v
Dumping timestamps and deltas

rt tstamp: 1684764184805696608
tai tstamp: 1684764184805696893
phc tstamp: 1684764221805735928
rt latency: 136
tai latency: 120
phc latency: 7472
phc-rt delta: 37000039320
phc-tai delta: 37000039035

phc-tai delta is greater than 50 usec !
TAI offset set in kernel is not correct !
PTP peer port state and/or offset are messed up !
Please verify ptp4l and phc config and restart them if necessary to
synchronize the clocks !

I am running ptp4l and phc2sys to keep the system clocks of the master and slave
synchronized. Commands and configurations below.

What am I missing?

# Sincronize master's PTP with system clock (HW timestamp)
sudo phc2sys -c enp3s0 -s CLOCK_REALTIME -q -m -w --step_threshold=0.001

# Sincronize slave's system clock with PTP (HW timestamp)
sudo phc2sys -s enp3s0 -c CLOCK_REALTIME -q -m -w --step_threshold=0.001

# Test configuration of the Fitlet acting as a master
serverOnly              1
BMCA                    noop
use_syslog              0
verbose                 1


# Test configuration of the Fitlet acting as a master
clientOnly              1
BMCA                    noop
step_threshold          0.001
use_syslog              0
verbose                 1


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