On Sonntag, 2. Januar 2022 14:42:55 CET Jerash music wrote:
> Having worked with (and repairing) many midi keyboard controllers, I can say
> that release velocity is not very common. Mainly available on high range
> keyboard, often with weighted keys, piano style.
> Keyboard rubbers with triple sensors offer greater  definition so to have
> the release velocity, but it can be implemented in the device firmware or
> not, at manufacturer’s choice. Keyboard rubber with double sensor could
> also do release velocity, but may miss some when the key is not fully
> pressed before actual release. Here, again, the sent message depends on
> firmware implementation.
> >I suggest that that should only be the case when note  off velocity is
> >actually zero.
> I do agree with this, it totally makes sense to me.
> My 2 cents,
> Raphaël

Ok, but the core question still is: can we expect keyboards *with* note-off 
velocity sensors to *never* send note-off velocity zero?


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