Corey Ashford has start a discussion with me and Jeff Johnston in a Valgrind bug about how we should change the location of the valgrind command to be used by the valgrind plugin. And how we should do that in order to use the same approach in other plugins. (more information: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=353056) The discussion started because Corey and I are developing a eclipse based project that runs in a system with several toolchains installed. So we have more than one valgrind installed at the same system and we want to provide a way for users to select which valgrind will be used to profile each project. And we also need to do that for other tools, as gcov, gprof and oprofile. We have agreed that the better way to do that is to create a Project property and prepend it to path environment variable before executing a command, so the system will pick the binary we want to run. This was implemented and integrated into valgrind and it is available at the branch 'change_path' in my github tree (https://github.com/obusatto/linuxtools/tree/change_path). I'm sending this in the mailing list because I intend to work in integrating this in other plugins, so it is good to have the opinion of maintainers of other plugins.

Otavio Pontes
linuxtools-dev mailing list

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