A long while ago, I filed CQs for dockerfile-language-server-nodejs [1]
and Dockerfile.tmLanguage [2] in order to consider using the generic
editor (lsp4e + tm4e) to have editing capabilities for Dockerfile
files. This was to replace the existing Dockerfile editor and benefit
from improvements made upstream at


This work exists and was ready to be pushed, but the one remaining
issue was that dockerfile-language-server-nodejs had many dependencies
that also needed to be shipped in the plugin and Type_B CQs didn't seem
possible. With Type_A, which only requires license certification this
seems like a possibility, so with the new CQ, these would require us to
change Linux Tools to a Type_A project. [3]

Curious on people's thoughts. This should at least reduce the
maintenance load associated with updating the Dockerfile editor plugin,
as the support for the format would be delegated to the nodejs module.

Roland Grunberg

[1] https://dev.eclipse.org/ipzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=14080
[2] https://dev.eclipse.org/ipzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=14397
[3] https://www.eclipse.org/projects/handbook/#ip-faq

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