Hi Umesh,

Why dont you try openfire its a Jabber chat server. Its very easy to install
also very easy to maintain.

1. Download it

2. extract to a folder

3. Run it (No need of Make, make install) Its a Java app.) Read the readme
or INSTALL in the installation folder.

Installation procedure :-

*Openfire configuration*

   1. Visit the new Openfire Chat Server's administration site at
   http://your_ip_address:9090 <http://fqdn_of_chat_server:9090/>or
   2. Choose a language and click 'Continue'
   3. Choose the server settings. The defaults are fine unless you implement
   a local server name and an external service name. Click 'Continue'
   4. Openfire Chat Server relies upon either an external or embedded
   database. For enterprise deployments, choose 'Standard Database Connection'
   and click 'Continue'
   5. Enter your database settings. Use Openfire's database
assistance. Click 'Continue'.
   6. Select whether to store users inside the server database or on an
   existing LDAP server. The latter option is preferable for enterprise
   deployments that already have an LDAP infrastructure in place. Select
   'Director Server (LDAP)' and click 'Continue'
   7. Setting up an LDAP connection begins with defining the connection to
   the LDAP server. First select the server type. (e.g., Active Directory).
   Then enter the name of the server (Host) and the port to which connections
   will be made. Enter port 636 (for encrypted connections). Next, enter the
   Base DN (distinguished name) of the root container on the LDAP server under
   which all Openfire users will live. Enter the full DN of the user that will
   be the reader account for this Openfire server. This account will be
   responsible for looking up users on the LDAP server in order to test their
   credentials. This account needs only to have read access to the Openfire
   users on the LDAP server.

   Before moving on, click on the Advanced Settings link. Clicking on this
   link will expand an extra array of settings at the bottom of the screen. Go
   ahead and click yes (next to 'Use SSL'). The LDAP server in question must
   support SSL for this option to work; however, the alternative is having all
   queries and results be performed in the clear, which is unacceptable. Click
   'Save & Continue'
   8. The next screen allows the full customization of which user attributes
   from the LDAP server will be mapped to similar user attributes for Openfire
   users. The default options should be fine here. Click 'Save & Continue'
   9. The following screen configures LDAP group settings. The default
   options should also be fine here. Click 'Save & Continue'
   10. The final part of LDAP configuration is choosing a user (or users)
   from the LDAP server to be an Openfire administrator. Type the given
   username in here, click 'Add' and then click 'Continue' once all the
   appropriate users are added here.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed and configured Openfire
Chat Server. Login to the management console to further configure Openfire,
or let your users start connecting today!

If any issues get back to me.

Ashwin Muni

On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 2:51 PM, umesh jadhav <ukj1...@gmail.com> wrote:

>   hi
> this is umeshjadhav here i want to setup chat server for my office only
> internal chatting
> can anybody help me regarding this ?? i want client/server both side
> configuration on linux both client and server is linux
> please suggest me
> --
> Thanking You;
> Yours Truly
> Enjoy Your life, no matter how hard it may seem!
> When life gives u a thousand reasons to cry,
> show the world that u have a Million reasons to Smile
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Ashwin R.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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