On Sun, Jan 09, 2011 at 06:13:42PM +0100, Cedric Sodhi wrote:
> Hi, this is a "wish" i had for the driver that I'd consider very useful.
> I've recently written a simple bash script which scripts the
> functionality of the button, an example the button on the wheel changes
> which keycodes the wheel sumit and hence which function in cotrnols.
> If anyone is interested I'd like to share it.
> The problem is, where even that is kind of cumbersome, more complicated
> interaction because a real pain in the arse. Since the driver will only
> emit keyboard events, everything will go through X.
> Right now, I'm using my WM (openbox), to respond to the global keys to
> control the behaviour. For example the touchring button emits Ctrl +
> Shift + Alt + T which openbox catches and runs my script on, to change
> the mappings and give feedback through osd_cat.
> And whereas I could do the same for all buttons and find the most exotic
> keybindings to never collide with running programs, it becomes quite
> cumbersom to continuously remap them, map the bindings in Openbox and so
> on. The amount of required keybindings which are used NOWHERE else on
> the system grows exponentially with functionality.
> All these problems would immediately be solved if, instead of
> keybindings, actual programs could be bound to keys. It would greatly
> simply certain methods and give us a great flexibilty to write our own
> complex behaviour without any effort.

it'd solve this particular problem but open up a new can of worms. Two
things I can think of right now:
- security: driver runs as root, so you'd need user management
- configuration: once you allow to run programs, people will want to start
  passing arguments, parameters, etc.

besides, AFAICT it doesn't really _solve_ your problem. From what I gather,
what you want is a application-specific key binding. The ideal way of
integrating is to have a background daemon that talks to the WM to figure
out which application is currently in focus and remaps the keys on the
tablet on-the-fly. That is in fact much easier to write than any custom
application loading in the driver.


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