While preparing to modify the Rotate parameter entries in the
mediawiki to bring them up to date with 0.11.0 I tested the parameter.
 It is not tablet wide with a Bamboo Pen & Touch.  Rotating the stylus
does rotate the eraser but not touch and rotating touch does not
rotate the stylus or eraser.  I suspect this is true of any usb tablet
with touch.  I assume touch is rotated with a ISDV4 device when the
stylus is rotated but I guess I'd like that confirmed.

It appears we may need to modify Rotate in man xsetwacom again.  Something like:
Rotation  is a device-wide option: rotation of one parent or dependent
input tool affects all other tools associated with the same device.
Most tablets have only one device so for them the parameter amounts to
a tablet-wide option.  However usb tablets with touch have two
devices, i.e. a parent tool (stylus) and a second parent tool (touch)
and each needs a separate rotation command.  When the tablet is
physically rotated, rotate any parent or dependent tool for a device
to the corresponding orientation.


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