I'd like to suggest that

* A half Click (Button 1 Press) is only emitted if the finger is touched and
  pulled (as for dragging)

* A complete click is only performed /after/ the finger has been
  retracted from the touchscreen

This would allow for less interference between clicking and gestures,
such as rightclick, scrolling and zooming.


Leftclicking: Short tap (click is only emitted after a short tap has
succesfully been detected. A mere "finger down" should not suffice)

Rightclicking: Put left finger down (nothing is registered yet), tap
with second finger (same rule applies)

Dragging: Put left finger down (no op, again), drag with left finger
(the instant the dragging starts/threshold distance has been crossed
(that threshhold should be generically configurable - as opposed to
Zoom- and ScrollDistance!!!), a left half click is emitted), release
left finger (click is completed by issueing release event)

Scrolling: Put left finger down (no op, again), put second finger down
(no op), start dragging

Zooming: Same rules apply.

I hope this will help make the touchscreen a bit more intuitive to use
and I hope the logic shouldn't be hard to implement. Do you think it's


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