I was running into problems getting the Top/Bottom X/Y attributes to
work in an xorg.conf.d file when I stumbled across the following
thread: http://old.nabble.com/Wacom-drivers-ignore-BottomX-td31169628.html

I was trying to figure out what was going wrong (since I saw no
obvious problems with the referenced commits) when I stumbled across a
weird hotplugging issue. It seems that on my system, hotplugging a
tablet will cause other attached tablets to reset some of their
properties back to the default. My system (Arch Linux; kernel; xorg-server 1.10.2-1) and Ping's install of Fedora 15 both
exhibit the behavior, though I was unable to reproduce it on a VM of
Ubuntu 11.04. I've tested with the latest git as well as 0.11.0 and
the issue was present in both.

Properties that are being reset include:
 * Area
 * PressureCurve
 * Mode
 * TabletPCButton
 * Touch
 * Rotate

Testing procedure:
 1. Have at least one tablet plugged in
 2. `xsetwacom set $FIRST_TABLET_STYLUS area 1 2 3 4`
 3. `xsetwacom get $FIRST_TABLET_STYLUS area`
 4. Plug in another tablet (unplugging and replugging a 2nd tablet
works as well)
 5. `xsetwacom get $FIRST_TABLET_STYLUS area`
 6. See if the output from step 3 and 5 are different

I did a little poking around in GDB to see if I could figure out
what's going on, but I'm missing the server's debug symbols at the
moment. What little I can tell though is that wcmSetProperty is being
called by XIChangeDeviceProperty for several (all?) tablets after the
newly-hotplugged tablet is completely initialized. Tying back in with
the original issue, this causes the Top/Bottom X/Y settings to be
immediately reset to their defaults...

Anyway, I won't be able to do much poking around on this over the
weekend, but I figured I'd let the list know in case somebody else is


Day xee-nee-svsh duu-'ushtlh-ts'it;
nuu-wee-ya' duu-xan' 'vm-nvshtlh-ts'it.
Huu-chan xuu naa~-gha.

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