On Thu, Jan 05, 2012 at 10:24:15AM +0100, Cedric Sodhi wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 04, 2012 at 09:50:31PM -0600, Chris Bagwell wrote:
> > On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 4:34 PM, Cedric Sodhi <man...@gmx.net> wrote:
> > > Hello everyone,
> > >
> > > I hope you can shed a little light on this, multitouch is a complete
> > > mystery to me. I know that my eGalax is running fine with the
> > > hid-multitouch these days but I'm completely irritated as for what is
> > > required to actually get multitouch support in X.
> > >
> > > I didn't need it so far, but as of today, I do. I know my xorg (1.11.2)
> > > runs XI2, as I can get its values from xinput, but now? Currently, I'm
> > > still using the wacom driver for the eGalax, which doesn't seem very
> > > multitouchy to me.
> > >
> > > I know there is a bright and sunny future in the pipeline where
> > > everything is being reworked on the kernel an X side of things and
> > > everything will go up into the GREAT UNIFICATION OF X11 POINTERS, but
> > > that's about all I know.
> > >
> > > Could you provide a remote hint what I need to do so that the
> > > touchscreen's MT caps actually make it into X and don't die uselessly
> > > after the kernel handled it? In particular, I'd like a multitouch
> > > capable Qt application to pick it up.
> > >
> > 
> > Are you looking for simple gestures like a synaptics touchpad would
> > support?  If so then xf86-input-wacom is pretty good choice
> > (especially after upgrading to todays git, it has some good gesture
> > fixes).  Use xsetwacom or xinput to enable on touch device if they are
> > disabled by default.
> > 
> > Or are you looking for raw MT events so you can do your own gesture
> > logic?  If so then check out Peter's blog on near term X plumbing
> > updates: http://who-t.blogspot.com/
> Hello Chris, Hello Ben,
> I want to expose MT to the toolkit as it expects it. Qt supports
> multitouch.
> MT. Clicking at two places at once (vmpk, a virtual MIDI keyboard has
> said MT support and in order to play accords I will need MT).
> Can Peter's things help me with that?
> I also found something at the institute where Ben
> Tissoires works:
> http://lii-enac.fr/en/architecture/linux-input/index.html#xorg
> Sounds exactly like what I need, doesn't it? Creating an  arbitrary
> number of subdevices. Unfortunally, it is very outdated and doesn't
> compile.

Ben's work was what more-or-less kickstarted the MT discussions in the X
stack. It's a proof-of-concept, but not the solution we're working towards
now (and quite outdated, as you noticed).

> I'm still not sure how this is supposed to work in the long term.
> Currently, in order to get MPX (which I think is the only method to
> transpart MT to toolkits), I will have to statically create new master
> devices for each pointer and reattach the respective devices.
> That means I got several pointers on the screen at every point in time.
> Shouldn't this be handled a bit more... flexibly? Assuming Ben's driver
> created "Subdevices on the fly", would it also create their masters on
> the fly?
> Anyway, it doesn't compile. Do you have any further tips?

XI 2.2 is the proper multitouch support. The driver submits touch events to
the server, the server converts it to protocol events and sends it to the
respective client. Will be available with server 1.12.

Qt and Ubuntu both essentially bypassed the X server to some degree to get
their initial implementations working. Ubuntu has been updating the stack
with the upstream implementation but afaik Qt didn't yet. Not sure what
their timeframe is here. GTK is working on it, Carlos mentioned last week
that it's quite ready.


> > If you want things to be already nice and your toolkits provide some
> > nice abstraction then your out of luck.
> > 
> > Or perhaps you can install latest version of Ubuntu and check out
> > their uTouch stuff and any custom Qt patches they ship.  They are
> > probably furthest along with exposing MT to toolkits although their
> > API's are likely to change in each release since they are not using
> > the above official plumbing yet.
> > 
> > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Multitouch
> > 
> > Chris
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