On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 12:09 PM, Chris Bagwell <ch...@cnpbagwell.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 12:31 PM, Bastien Nocera <had...@hadess.net> wrote:
>> On Thu, 2012-02-02 at 11:55 -0600, Favux ... wrote:
>>> Hi Bastien,
>>> Thanks for reviewing the wiki page.
>>> On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 10:31 AM, Bastien Nocera <had...@hadess.net> wrote:
>>> > I think the information about filling in the definition files should be in
>>> > wacom.example directly, and nothing (that would most likely end up being
>>> > outdated) in the Wiki.
>> I rather meant the advices about the naming of the device for example.
>> You also probably want to use a definition that doesn't have FIXME in it
>> as the example ;)
>>> > The contributors list, which you seem to have snarfed from my blog entry, 
>>> > are
>>> > the
>>> > contributors to the GNOME wacom support, not to libwacom. For example, 
>>> > Jason
>>> > didn't contribute until I committed his extensive definition files.
>>> Will correct that then.  Yes everything is cribbed off your blog and
>>> other posts and interviews.  And some of Peter's stuff.  If there is
>>> any original content it is probably accidental.  :)
>> Haha.
>>> > Other than that, the content is interesting, thanks.
>>> I don't know if you are interested but if you want to have at it and
>>> edit it Peter can add you to the wiki editor list.
>>> >> I do have another question.  When I look at the GNOME 3.4 Control
>>> >> Panel Wacom tablet applet rotation seems to apply the stylus parent
>>> >> device.  I can't tell if touch is also rotated for USB tablet PCs and
>>> >> BambooPTs with their separate parent device for touch.  Is it?
>>> >
>>> > Does it show up as a separate tool? If so, we don't support it yet in
>>> > GsdWacomDevice, but adding it should be enough to get all the tools 
>>> > rotated at
>>> > once. Can you file a bug against gnome-settings-daemon in the GNOME 
>>> > Bugzilla
>>> > for
>>> > that?
>>> When tested touch rotates fine for my BambooPT but not for my usb
>>> tablet PC.  That's with GNOME 3.2 as I haven't tested it yet with the
>>> GNOME 3.4 Control Panel.  The BambooPT's pad buttons don't rotate of
>>> course, but you haven't started working on those.
>>> A further issue concerns the generic styli.  The LLC (low low cost)
>>> consumer tablets like the Bamboo Pen and the Bamboo Ones have a stylus
>>> + 2 buttons but no eraser.
>> Ha, I didn't know that. We need to create some new styli for those
>> devices then.
>> Peter, Jason, any advice on what tool IDs we could use for those?
As I mentioned in another thread, consumer devices don't report stylus
information. If we're getting pen data, all we know is that the tablet
and pen's technologies are compatible... We can't tell how many side
switches it has, whether there's an eraser, etc.

> I've not yet played with libwacom or new Gnome wacom work (trying to
> wait until 2/7 when Fedora is supposed to branch from rawhide before I
> upgrade a VM+software but its getting harder to wait.).  So I don't
> know some of these terms but here is some extra info that may be
> important.
> Some models of Bamboo in same family+generation are sold with stylus
> that have erasers.  I think, but I'm not sure, that its only a
> packaging issue to save a few bucks and if you buy a replacement
> stylus from same family+generation with an eraser that it would work.
> Unfortunately, all my styli have erasers so I can not test this
> theory.
> That is only reason I've not pursued hiding the BTN_TOOL_ERASER on
> these Bamboo devices in kernel driver.  I'd hate to take away a
> feature from users.  I'm not sure how this would translate into
> libwacom or Gnome support but the concept of "Delayed Hotplugging"
> that's been discussed in the past may be useful here.
>>>   That's true of some of the tablet PCs
>>> also.  Additionally if I recall correctly some tablet PCs have a
>>> stylus + 1 button.
>> It's really the same problem. My Bluetooth graphire-based tablet has 2
>> buttons, and an eraser. We need separate styli definition for them.
>>>   Not sure if those styli have erasers or not.  On
>>> those models the driver tends to report a spurious eraser and pad
>>> (with the tablets) in say 'xinput list'.  Since libwacom removes the
>>> reporting of a spurious pad (Buttons=0) doing the same for the eraser
>>> or spurious side button would be nice.  Maybe Peter can tell us which
>>> styli those are?
>> We don't count the tips. So a stylus always has one button, and an
>> eraser always has one button. We would use HasEraser=false for the
>> stylus though.
> Here is some more info related to my Bamboo comment.  For Tablet PC's
> (the ones that usually say something about ISDv4 in dmesg), I don't
> have any personal experience but from reports I see it seems like for
> a given generation there is only 1 type of stylus (maybe it has 0, 1,
> or 2 buttons beyond the "tip" button and maybe it has an eraser or
> not).  If you share a stylus between Tablet PC families+generations
> with different buttons/eraser config there is a good change it will
> work for stylus+tip but everything else is iffy.
I don't have much practical experience with the ISDv4 tablets, but
each of those four possible pen types exist. I quickly tested one of
each on a tabletpc I have handy and they all appeared to work fine.
Neither the 'wacom' driver nor the 'w8001' driver appear to be
cognizant of different pen types, so I imagine (but don't know for
sure) that if a pen is capable of interfacing with the hardware then,
like the Bamboo, you are able to use whatever features the pen has.

> For this cases, I think its probably best to take effort to hide
> erasers and unsupported buttons per USB PID inside the kernel driver.
> Its minor driver changes if my assumption could be proven 100%
> accurate (which I can't do since I've never touch a Wacom Tablet PC).
> But it also sounds like we are going to be able to hide it with
> configuration file as well; which is great.
I don't think delayed hotplugging and .tablet files will help all that
much here. Without the driver able to tell what kind of pen is in
proximity, you wouldn't know if an eraser or second side-switch
existed until they used it -- which isn't very good from a
configuration standpoint. Furthermore, for pens that come with
features by default (e.g. two side switches) you could *never* know if
a less-capable pen (e.g. only one side switch) was in use.

> Chris


Day xee-nee-svsh duu-'ushtlh-ts'it;
nuu-wee-ya' duu-xan' 'vm-nvshtlh-ts'it.
Huu-chan xuu naa~-gha.

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