> If you follow the best practices. That means that for every new 

> changeset... Will you have a new file which wont be comparable against 
> an old one?

Usually you create a new changeSet for every change to be applied to the 
database. Except for rare cases such as when you are starting a brand new 
schema, you will most probably want to avoid (like hell) modifying changeSets.

Now, about organizing your changeSets, you have three options: put all of them 
in a single changelog file; organize them according to feature/module using the 
include tag; use the one-changeSet-per-file approach (I personally like this 

Notice that, by following this, the only comparison you can make is checking 
whether you have new changeSets or not. You dont need all of them being in the 
same changelog file to do this. If what you wanted was to compare different 
states of a table definition such as in your previous "CREATE TABLE" example, 
then you are right: there is no way to compare two versions of the same table 
definition. From my experience I would say that you usually dont need it.

> If you use one changelog.xml you can dif it, but if you use separate 
> ones you can't diff them directly?

Yep, that is right. Usually you dont need to diff.

> Then again one changelog.xml can become huge.

Right again. That is why I like separating one changeSet per changelog file. 
Most people separate changeSet according to feature/module though.

Hope that helps,

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