> Thanks Dino,
> I encourage all LISP WG members to reflect on the questions below and voice
> an opinion.
> To paraphrase what Dino has written, one proposal (and Dino correct me if
> I've oversimplified) is that the LISP WG should become a working group that
> contains ALL things LISP. So wherever a body of work uses LISP
> encapsulation, or LISP mapping it may gravitate to here to maintain LISP
> interoperability and (where appropriate) protocol cohesion.

Right, I was not direct about this point but it can be inferred from below. 
Thanks for clarifying Terry.


> ..discuss.
> :)
> Cheers
> Terry
> On 23/09/11 3:24 AM, "Dino Farinacci" <d...@cisco.com> wrote:
>> Terry, what I would like to know first and foremost, before adding any
>> specific feature or use-cases to the charter is if they *should* belong in 
>> the
>> LISP working group charter versus being owne by another working group. And
>> what the working group thinks about this. I will give some examples to get
>> some clarity and to be more specific.
>> (1) LISP could be used for many data-center use-cases.
>> (2) LISP could be used for device mobility.
>> (3) LISP could be used as a IPv6 coexistence solution while delivering route
>> table reduction and low opex multihoming.
>> (4) LISP could be used as a VPN solution.
>> (5) The mapping database could be used for other applications like keeping
>> track of multicast group membership.
>> So, to enumerate each one:
>> For (1), does the LISP WG take this on or is there a data-center specific
>> protocol solution working group (ARMD is not that working group because it is
>> a requirement definition working group)?
>> For (2), the MOBOPTs IRTF research group seem to take interest in LISP-MN.
>> Does it do the initial work and have it spin off a mobility working group,
>> which there are many already. To add, there is a cross-product issue too 
>> since
>> LISP-Multicast can run in a LISP-MN implementation and there is a multimob
>> working group already established.
>> For (3), there are zillions of solutions and places where this occurs over 
>> the
>> last decade, I would suggest not spinning another working group for this and
>> have the LISP working group be "address-family" agnostic which would also
>> include MAC addressing as a address-family as well a GPS coordinates.
>> For (4), again, coupled with (3), LISP can do L2-over-L3, L3-over-L3, as well
>> as the other 2 combinations, does the VPN use-case stay in the LISP working
>> group or is it fragmented to be taken to each L2VPN and L3VPN working groups.
>> For (5), we do not want to error where everything is put into DNS (because it
>> is the only applicaiton level wide-area/multi-organizational distributed
>> database). In our case the mapping database. And moreoever, if the use-case
>> functionality is distributed to other working groups, will there be design
>> change requests to the mapping database design coming from too many source
>> points.
>> As you can see, this can get very complex and confusing and could result in
>> design fragmentation and opportunity for competitive proposals. All which 
>> turn
>> out to add more inefficiencies to the protocol design process which nearly
>> always results in undeployable compromises.
>> Dino
>> On Sep 21, 2011, at 5:04 PM, Terry Manderson wrote:
>>> Hi Folks,
>>> In Prague there was no strong consensus on modifying the LISP Charter from
>>> what it currently is, perhaps only updating the existing Goals/Milestones.
>>> So no clear decision could be made. What I would like to do is push out a
>>> 'idea generating' draft charter that is _almost_ identical to what we have
>>> today.
>>> You can find the existing charter here:
>>> https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/lisp/charter/
>>> The draft is below.
>>> So in light of such an approach, Joel and I discussed some work items that
>>> came from what was said at the mic in Prague and to us individually.
>>> They are:
>>> * Finish the deployment document
>>> * Get the two security documents done
>>> * Get an operational document at least started, which should include
>>> cache management and ETR synchronization techniques.
>>> * Either in the second security document, or in complementary documents we
>>> need to evaluate the security threat to cache maintenance, and
>>> evaluate the applicability and coverage we get from a reuse of SIDR
>>> technology.
>>> Is anything not represented here that you believe necessary? and conversely
>>> is there something here that is out of scope in your eyes?
>>> Are there work areas not covered by the draft below which you believe should
>>> be?
>>> Draft Charter
>>> ------------
>>> The IAB's October 2006 Routing and Addressing Workshop (RFC 4984)
>>> rekindled interest in scalable routing and addressing architectures for
>>> the Internet. Among the many issues driving this renewed interest are
>>> concerns about the scalability of the routing system and the impending
>>> exhaustion of the IPv4 address space. Since the IAB workshop, several
>>> proposals have emerged which attempt to address the concerns expressed
>>> there and elsewhere. In general, these proposals are based on the
>>> "locator/identifier separation".
>>> The basic idea behind the separation is that the Internet architecture
>>> combines two functions, routing locators, (where you are attached to the
>>> network) and identifiers (who you are) in one number space: The IP
>>> address. Proponents of the separation architecture postulate that
>>> splitting these functions apart will yield several advantages, including
>>> improved scalability for the routing system. The separation aims to
>>> decouple locators and identifiers, thus allowing for efficient
>>> aggregation of the routing locator space and providing persistent
>>> identifiers in the identifier space.
>>> LISP supports the separation of the IPv4 and IPv6 address space
>>> following a network-based map-and-encapsulate scheme (RFC 1955). In
>>> LISP, both identifiers and locators are IP addresses. In LISP,
>>> identifiers are composed of two parts: a "global" portion that uniquely
>>> identifies a particular site and a "local" portion that identifies an
>>> interface within a site. The "local" portion may be subdivided to
>>> identify a particular network within the site. For a given identifier,
>>> LISP maps the "global" portion of the identifier into a set of locators
>>> that can be used by de-capsulation devices to reach the identified
>>> interface; as a consequence a host would typically change identifiers
>>> when it moves from one site to another or whenever it moves from one
>>> subnet to another within an site. Typically, the same IP address will
>>> not be used as an identifier and locator in LISP.
>>> LISP requires no changes to end-systems or to most routers. LISP aims
>>> for an incrementally deployable protocol.
>>> A number of approaches are being looked at in parallel in the IRTF and
>>> IETF. At this time, these proposals are at an early stage. All proposals
>>> (including LISP) have potentially harmful side-effects to Internet
>>> traffic carried by the involved routers, have parts where deployment
>>> incentives may be lacking, and are NOT RECOMMENDED for deployment beyond
>>> experimental situations at this stage. Many of the proposals have
>>> components (such as the identifier to locator mapping system) where it
>>> is not yet known what kind of design alternative is the best one among
>>> many.
>>> However, despite these issues it would be valuable to write concrete
>>> protocol specifications and develop implementations that can be used to
>>> understand the characteristics of these designs. The LISP WG is
>>> chartered to work on the LISP base protocol and any items which directly
>>> impact LISP. The working group will encourage and
>>> support interoperable LISP implementations as well as defining
>>> requirements for alternate mapping systems. The Working Group will also
>>> develop security profiles for the ALT and/or other mapping systems.
>>> It is expected that the results of specifying, implementing, and testing
>>> LISP will be fed to the general efforts at the IETF and IRTF (e.g., the
>>> Routing Research Group) that attempts to understand which type of a
>>> solution is optimal. The LISP WG is NOT chartered to develop the final
>>> or standard solution for solving the routing scalability problem. Its
>>> specifications are Experimental and labeled with accurate disclaimers
>>> about their limitations and not fully understood implications for
>>> Internet traffic. In addition, as these issues are understood, the
>>> working group will analyze and document the implications of LISP on
>>> Internet traffic, applications, routers, and security. This analysis
>>> will explain what role LISP can play in scalable routing. The analysis
>>> should also look at scalability and levels of state required for
>>> encapsulation, decapsulation, liveness, and so on as well as the
>>> manageability and operability of LISP.
>>> Cheers
>>> Terry
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