Hi Marshal,

Previous charter discussions suggested that it wasn't necessary to include
an outside webpage for 'further' reading, I tend to agree as outside pages
(thus not tools based) tend to date really quickly if not actively

That said, if there is a page that does cover _all_ [1] that auxiliary
material in one place I'd be happy to look, review, and reconsider by
reopening the WG discussion.

[1] implementations, research papers, experimental work, additional works


On 3/12/11 2:38 AM, "Marshall Eubanks" <marshall.euba...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Is there (or could there be) a link outside web page that could
> contain auxiliary material, such as research papers,
> that may be produced as the work progresses ?
> Regards
> Marshall
> On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 8:26 PM, Terry Manderson
> <terry.mander...@icann.org> wrote:
>> After a receiving the suggestions from Yakov and John, emailing some ADs,
>> the draft charter is as follows:
>> Please review, and highlight any areas missed. I'd like to close this off by
>> next Friday (9th Dec), and pass to our AD.
>> The IAB's October 2006 Routing and Addressing Workshop (RFC 4984)
>> rekindled interest in scalable routing and addressing architectures for
>> the Internet. Among the many issues driving this renewed interest are
>> concerns about the scalability of the routing system and the impending
>> exhaustion of the IPv4 address space. Since the IAB workshop, several
>> proposals have emerged which attempt to address the concerns expressed
>> there and elsewhere. In general, these proposals are based on the
>> "locator/identifier separation".
>> The basic idea behind the separation is that the Internet architecture
>> combines two functions, routing locators, (where you are attached to the
>> network) and identifiers (who you are) in one number space: The IP
>> address. Proponents of the separation architecture postulate that
>> splitting these functions apart will yield several advantages, including
>> improved scalability for the routing system. The separation aims to
>> decouple locators and identifiers, thus allowing for efficient
>> aggregation of the routing locator space and providing persistent
>> identifiers in the identifier space.
>> LISP supports the separation of the IPv4 and IPv6 address space
>> following a network-based map-and-encapsulate scheme (RFC 1955). In
>> LISP, both identifiers and locators are IP addresses. In LISP,
>> identifiers are composed of two parts: a "global" portion that uniquely
>> identifies a particular site and a "local" portion that identifies an
>> interface within a site. The "local" portion may be subdivided to
>> identify a particular network within the site. For a given identifier,
>> LISP maps the "global" portion of the identifier into a set of locators
>> that can be used by de-capsulation devices to reach the identified
>> interface; as a consequence a host would typically change identifiers
>> when it moves from one site to another or whenever it moves from one
>> subnet to another within an site. Typically, the same IP address will
>> not be used as an identifier
>> and locator in LISP.
>> LISP requires no changes to end-systems or to most routers. LISP aims
>> for an incrementally deployable protocol.
>> A number of approaches are being looked at in parallel in other
>> contexts. The IRTF RRG examined several proposals, some of which were
>> published as IRTF-track Experimental RFCs.
>> The LISP WG is chartered to work on the LISP base protocol and any items
>> which directly impact LISP including any base protocol changes required to
>> enable VPN and mobile topologies (precise operational definitions of
>> these topologies should be left for IETF WGs focused on these technologies).
>> The working group will encourage and support interoperable LISP
>> implementations as well as defining requirements for alternate mapping
>> systems. The Working Group will also develop security profiles for LISP
>> and the various LISP mapping systems.
>> It is expected that the results of specifying, implementing, and testing
>> LISP will be fed to the general efforts at the IETF and IRTF (e.g., the
>> Routing Research Group) that attempts to understand which type of a
>> solution is optimal. The LISP WG is NOT chartered to develop the final
>> or standard solution for solving the routing scalability problem. Its
>> specifications are Experimental and labeled with accurate disclaimers
>> about their limitations and not fully understood implications for
>> Internet traffic. In addition, as these issues are understood, the
>> working group will analyze and document the implications of LISP on
>> Internet traffic, applications, routers, and security. This analysis
>> will explain what role LISP can play in scalable routing. The analysis
>> should also look at scalability and levels of state required for
>> encapsulation, decapsulation, liveness, and so on as well as the
>> manageability and operability of LISP.
>> Goals and Milestones
>> Jun 2012    Forward draft-ietf-lisp-mib to the IESG
>> Jun 2012    Forward draft-ietf-lisp-sec to the IESG
>> Jun 2012    Forward to the IESG an operational document which should
>>            include cache management and ETR synchronization
>>            techniques (draft-ietf-lisp-deployment).
>> Dec 2013    Publish an example cache management specification.
>> Dec 2013    Forward to the IESG an evaluation of the security threat to
>>            cache maintenance (draft-ietf-lisp-threats)
>> Dec 2013    Forward to the IESG a document addressing the areas which
>>            require further experimentation.
>> Jun 2014    Evaluate the applicability and coverage for LISP from a
>>            reuse of SIDR technology.
>> Jun 2014    Summarize results of specifying, implementing, and testing
>>            LISP and forward to IESG and/or IRTF.
>> Jun 2014    Analyze and document the implications of LISP deployments in
>>            Internet topologies and forward to IESG for publication.
>> Dec 2014    Re-charter or close
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>> lisp@ietf.org
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