It is unusual for an RFC to refer to itself as authoritative. It is also not particularly helpful to use those words. In particular, values from the range 9 - 14 may be assigned by other standards action without updating 6833bis. (side-note, there is an long ongoing discussion on the IETF and rfc-interest list as to when documents should be marked as updating other documents. I am refering here to actual updates, rather than to any question of marking the metadata.)


On 4/27/17 1:51 PM, Dino Farinacci wrote:
Hi Dino, all,

Thank you for sharing this update.

I have some comments about the following text:

   This section will be the authoritative source for allocating LISP
   Type values and for defining LISP control message formats.  For
   Shared Extension types, see [RFC8113].  Current allocations are:

    Reserved:                          0     b'0000'
    LISP Map-Request:                  1     b'0001'
    LISP Map-Reply:                    2     b'0010'
    LISP Map-Register:                 3     b'0011'
    LISP Map-Notify:                   4     b'0100'
    LISP Map-Notify-Ack:               5     b'0101'
    LISP Map-Referral:                 6     b'0110'
    LISP Info-Request/Reply:           7     b'0111'
    LISP Encapsulated Control Message: 8     b'1000'
    Not Assigned                       9-14  b'1001'- b'1110'
    LISP Shared Extension Message:     15    b'1111'           [RFC8113]

·         At least the first sentence should be reworded to be aligned with 
RFC8113 (which is the reference for allocating LISP type values). If you want 
the bis document to be authoritative for that, the only way for that is to 
merge RFC8113 in the bis document.

No, not really. RFC6833bis is authoritative for LISP Type values, RFC8113 is 
authoriative for Type 15 sub-type values.

·         An IANA section is to be added to the bis document.

Yes, I can do that since the packet formats moved from RFC6830 to RFC6833bis.

·         I wouldn’t list “Not Assigned 9-14  b'1001'- b'1110'” here because 
these values can be allocated in the future. I would avoid mismatches with the 
IANA registry.

When they are assigned, this document will change to reflect the new values. We 
want to be explicit to tell people they are not assigned versus not being 
listed at all.

·         “LISP Map-Notify-Ack:               5     b'0101'” and “LISP 
Info-Request/Reply:           7     b'0111'” are not assigned yet by IANA. The 
document should include requests in the new IANA section; these values can be 
indicated as preferred values according to RFC8113:

I will do that for Map-Notify-Ack since it is part of standard protocol. I 
cannot do it for type 7 since the NAT-traversal is not a working group document 

   The values in the ranges 5-7 and 9-14 can be assigned via Standards
   Action [RFC5226].  Documents that request for a new LISP packet type
   may indicate a preferred value in the corresponding IANA sections.

I will add this text. Thanks.

·         “LISP Map-Referral:      6     b'0110'” is about a temporary 
assignment not a permanent one.

No it is permanent because LISP-DDT is progressing to RFC (standards track).

·         The document may include a discussion about the exhaustion of type 
values. That discussion can remind the reader that an extended space is 
provisioned for that purpose : “15.subtype(0-1023)”.

It may but should it? Why don’t we cross that bridge when we come to it?

·         The document should IMO include some text to encourage designers to 
use the “15.subtype(1024-4095)” in early stages of extension specifications. 
The WG will decide whether a type code will be assigned in the standard track 

I will add that. Thanks.


Thank you.


De : lisp [] De la part de Dino Farinacci
Envoyé : vendredi 14 avril 2017 20:34
À : list
Objet : [lisp] Fwd: I-D Action: draft-ietf-lisp-rfc6833bis-03.txt

Folks, since RFC8113 was recently published, I made this small change to 



Begin forwarded message:

Subject: [lisp] I-D Action: draft-ietf-lisp-rfc6833bis-03.txt
Date: April 14, 2017 at 11:32:14 AM PDT
To: <>

A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories.
This draft is a work item of the Locator/ID Separation Protocol of the IETF.

       Title           : Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) Control-Plane
       Authors         : Vince Fuller
                         Dino Farinacci
                         Albert Cabellos
          Filename        : draft-ietf-lisp-rfc6833bis-03.txt
          Pages           : 38
          Date            : 2017-04-14

  This document describes the Control-Plane and Mapping Service for the
  Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP), implemented by two new types
  of LISP-speaking devices -- the LISP Map-Resolver and LISP Map-Server
  -- that provides a simplified "front end" for one or more Endpoint ID
  to Routing Locator mapping databases.

  By using this control-plane service interface and communicating with
  Map-Resolvers and Map-Servers, LISP Ingress Tunnel Routers (ITRs) and
  Egress Tunnel Routers (ETRs) are not dependent on the details of
  mapping database systems, which facilitates modularity with different
  database designs.  Since these devices implement the "edge" of the
  LISP infrastructure, connect directly to LISP-capable Internet end
  sites, and comprise the bulk of LISP-speaking devices, reducing their
  implementation and operational complexity should also reduce the
  overall cost and effort of deploying LISP.

The IETF datatracker status page for this draft is:

There are also htmlized versions available at:

A diff from the previous version is available at:

Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of submission
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