Dear WG,

I did a quick review of rfc6833bis-08. Some comments/suggestions

1. Section 5.8. Encapsulated Control Message Format. There is a reference to 
LH, it is not spelled out anywhere. I assume this means Lisp Header.

2. Section 5.8. On page 27, there is a figure/header format showing the AD Type 
and Authentication Data Content, which is not referenced anywhere. Looks like 
it needs to be removed.

3. Section 8.3/8.4. The text is limited to recommending exclusively a Native 
Forward action code. However the definition of the Map-reply message in section 
5.4 allows 8 possible action codes and specifies 6 possible actions. If the WG 
agrees I can suggest text that would generalize the recommended processing 
behaviors described in 8.3 to allow the inclusion and use of the specified 
actions in the case of NMRs.

   8.3.  Map-Server Processing
   Once a Map-Server has EID-Prefixes registered by its client ETRs, it
   can accept and process Map-Requests for them.
   In response to a Map-Request (received over the ALT if LISP+ALT is in
   use), the Map-Server first checks to see if the destination EID
   matches a configured EID-Prefix.  If there is no match, the Map-
   Server returns a Negative Map-Reply with action code "Natively-
   Forward" and a 15-minute TTL.  This MAY occur if a Map Request is
   received for a configured aggregate EID-Prefix for which no more-
   specific EID-Prefix exists; it indicates the presence of a non-LISP
   "hole" in the aggregate EID-Prefix.
   Next, the Map-Server checks to see if any ETRs have registered the
   matching EID-Prefix.  If none are found, then the Map-Server returns
   a Negative Map-Reply with action code "Natively-Forward" and a
   1-minute TTL.

   8.4 …

   If the Map-Resolver does not have the mapping entry and if it can
   determine that the EID is not in the mapping database (for example,
   if LISP+ALT is used, the Map-Resolver will have an ALT forwarding
   table that covers the full EID space), it immediately returns a
   negative LISP Map-Reply, with action code "Natively-Forward" and a
   15-minute TTL.  To minimize the number of negative cache entries
   needed by an ITR, the Map-Resolver SHOULD return the least-specific
   prefix that both matches the original query and does not match any
   EID-Prefix known to exist in the LISP-capable infrastructure.



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