> On 29 Apr 2024, at 17:06, Dino Farinacci <farina...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Okay, thanks. So this email has an updated version of your comments. Right?

Nope, I just put the mark on where to put the text. The comments are the same 
like in my previous mail.



> Dino
>> On Apr 29, 2024, at 5:24 AM, Luigi Iannone <g...@gigix.net> wrote:
>> Hi Dino,
>> It was marked to append the text to section 5. 
>> I’ve added  <PUT HERE MOVED TEXT> to mark the exact spot, should be easier 
>> now ;-)
>> Ciao
>> L.
>>> On 27 Apr 2024, at 15:54, Dino Farinacci <farina...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I browsed your comments. They are easier to interpret now. Thanks for that. 
>>> However, your <move> references are not helpful because they indicate you 
>>> want text to be moved but you don’t say where. So please clarify that 
>>> before I make any changes. 
>>> Dino
>>>> On Apr 26, 2024, at 9:16 AM, Luigi Iannone <g...@gigix.net> wrote:
>>>> Comments inline.
>>>> Ciao
>>>> L.
>>>>> Internet Engineering Task Force D. Farinacci
>>>>> Internet-Draft lispers.net
>>>>> Intended status: Experimental M. Kowal
>>>>> Expires: 24 October 2024 cisco Systems
>>>>> P. Lahiri
>>>>> 22 April 2024
>>>>> LISP Traffic Engineering
>>>>> draft-ietf-lisp-te-15
>>>>> Abstract
>>>>> This document describes how LISP re-encapsulating tunnels can be used
>>>>> for Traffic Engineering purposes. The mechanisms described in this
>>>>> document require no LISP protocol changes but do introduce a new
>>>>> locator (RLOC) encoding. The Traffic Engineering features provided
>>>>> by these LISP mechanisms can span intra-domain, inter-domain, or
>>>>> combination of both.
>>>>> Status of This Memo
>>>>> This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
>>>>> provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.
>>>>> Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
>>>>> Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute
>>>>> working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet-
>>>>> Drafts is at https://datatracker.ietf.org/drafts/current/.
>>>>> Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
>>>>> and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
>>>>> time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
>>>>> material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."
>>>>> This Internet-Draft will expire on 24 October 2024.
>>>>> Copyright Notice
>>>>> Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
>>>>> document authors. All rights reserved.
>>>>> Farinacci, et al. Expires 24 October 2024 [Page 1]
>>>>> Internet-Draft LISP Traffic Engineering April 2024
>>>>> This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
>>>>> Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (https://trustee.ietf.org/
>>>>> license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
>>>>> Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
>>>>> and restrictions with respect to this document. Code Components
>>>>> extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
>>>>> described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
>>>>> provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.
>>>>> Table of Contents
>>>>> 1. Requirements Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
>>>>> 2. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
>>>>> 3. Definition of Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
>>>>> 4. Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
>>>>> 5. Explicit Locator Paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
>>>>> 5.1. ELP Re-optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
>>>>> 5.2. Using Recursion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
>>>>> 5.3. ELP Selection based on Class of Service . . . . . . . . . 8
>>>>> 5.4. Packet Loop Avoidance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
>>>>> 6. Service Chaining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
>>>>> 7. RLOC Probing by RTRs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
>>>>> 8. ELP Probing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
>>>>> 9. Interworking Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
>>>>> 10. Multicast Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
>>>>> 11. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
>>>>> 12. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
>>>>> 13. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
>>>>> 13.1. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
>>>>> 13.2. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
>>>>> Appendix A. Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
>>>>> Appendix B. Document Change Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
>>>>> B.1. Changes to draft-ietf-lisp-te-15 . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
>>>>> B.2. Changes to draft-ietf-lisp-te-14 . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
>>>>> B.3. Changes to draft-ietf-lisp-te-13 . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
>>>>> B.4. Changes to draft-ietf-lisp-te-12 . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
>>>>> B.5. Changes to draft-ietf-lisp-te-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
>>>>> B.6. Changes to draft-ietf-lisp-te-10 . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
>>>>> B.7. Changes to draft-ietf-lisp-te-09 . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
>>>>> B.8. Changes to draft-ietf-lisp-te-08 . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
>>>>> B.9. Changes to draft-ietf-lisp-te-07 . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
>>>>> B.10. Changes to draft-ietf-lisp-te-06 . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
>>>>> B.11. Changes to draft-ietf-lisp-te-05 . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
>>>>> B.12. Changes to draft-ietf-lisp-te-04 . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
>>>>> B.13. Changes to draft-ietf-lisp-te-03 . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
>>>>> B.14. Changes to draft-ietf-lisp-te-02 . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
>>>>> B.15. Changes to draft-ietf-lisp-te-01 . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
>>>>> B.16. Changes to draft-ietf-lisp-te-00 . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
>>>>> Farinacci, et al. Expires 24 October 2024 [Page 2]
>>>>> Internet-Draft LISP Traffic Engineering April 2024
>>>>> B.17. Changes to draft-farinacci-lisp-te-02 through -12 . . . . 18
>>>>> B.18. Changes to draft-farinacci-lisp-te-01.txt . . . . . . . . 18
>>>>> B.19. Changes to draft-farinacci-lisp-te-00.txt . . . . . . . . 18
>>>>> Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
>>>>> 1. Requirements Language
>>>>> The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
>>>>> "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP
>>>>> 14 [RFC2119][RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
>>>>> capitals, as shown here.
>>>>> 2. Introduction
>>>>> This document describes extensions to the Locator/Identifier
>>>>> Separation Protocol (LISP) for traffic engineering features.
>>>>> When LISP routers encapsulate packets to other LISP routers, the path
>>>>> stretch is typically 1, meaning the packet travels on a direct path
>>>>> from the encapsulating ITR to the decapsulating ETR at the
>>>>> destination site. The direct path is determined by the underlying
>>>>> routing protocol and metrics it uses to find the shortest path.
>>>>> This specification will examine how re-encapsulating tunnels
>>>>> [RFC9300] can be used so a packet can take an administratively
>>>>> specified path, a congestion avoidance path, a failure recovery path,
>>>>> or multiple load-shared paths, as it travels from ITR to ETR. By
>>>>> introducing an Explicit Locator Path (ELP) locator encoding
>>>>> [RFC8060], an ITR can encapsulate a packet to a Re-Encapsulating
>>>>> Tunnel Router (RTR) which decapsulates the packet, then encapsulates
>>>>> it to the next locator in the ELP.
>>>>> 3. Definition of Terms
>>>>> Refer to [RFC9300] for authoritative definitions for terms EID, RLOC,
>>>>> RTR, and Recursive Tunneling. The other terms defined in this
>>>>> section add to the canonical definition to reflect the design
>>>>> considerations in this specification.
>>>>> Explicit Locator Path (ELP): The ELP is an explicit list of RLOCs
>>>>> for each RTR a packet must travel to along its path toward a final
>>>>> destination ETR (or PETR). The list is a strict ordering where
>>>>> each RLOC in the list is visited. However, the path from one RTR
>>>>> to another is determined by the underlying routing protocol and
>>>>> how the infrastructure assigns metrics and policies for the path.
>>>>> Re-Encapsulating Tunnel Router (RTR): An RTR is a router that acts
>>>>> Farinacci, et al. Expires 24 October 2024 [Page 3]
>>>>> Internet-Draft LISP Traffic Engineering April 2024
>>>>> as an ETR (or PETR) by decapsulating packets where the destination
>>>>> address in the "outer" IP header is one of its own RLOCs. Then
>>>>> acts as an ITR (or PITR) by making a decision where to encapsulate
>>>>> the packet based on the next locator in the ELP towards the final
>>>>> destination ETR.
>>>> For that you do not need to re-define the RTR term. You just need to state 
>>>> that RTR uses ELPs in the body of this document, which you do.
>>>> The must be only one document authoritative on the terms, and 9300 is 
>>>> already there.
>>>>> 4. Overview
>>>>> Typically, a packet's path from source EID to destination EID travels
>>>>> through the locator core via the encapsulating ITR directly to the
>>>>> decapsulating ETR as the following diagram illustrates:
>>>>> Legend:
>>>>> seid: Packet is originated by source EID 'seid'.
>>>>> deid: Packet is consumed by destination EID 'deid'.
>>>>> A,B,C,D : Core routers in different ASes.
>>>>> ---> : The physical topological path between two routers.
>>>>> ===> : A multi-hop LISP dynamic tunnel between LISP routers.
>>>>> Core Network
>>>>> Source site (----------------------------) Destination Site
>>>>> +--------+ ( ) +---------+
>>>>> | \ ( ) / |
>>>>> | seid ITR ---(---> A --> B --> C --> D ---)---> ETR deid |
>>>>> | / || ( ) ^^ \ |
>>>>> +--------+ || ( ) || +---------+
>>>>> || (----------------------------) ||
>>>>> || ||
>>>>> ===========================================
>>>>> LISP Tunnel
>>>>> Figure 1: Typical Data Path from ITR to ETR
>>>>> Let's introduce RTRs 'X' and 'Y' so that, for example, if it is
>>>>> desirable to route around the path from B to C, one could provide an
>>>>> ELP of (X,Y,etr):
>>>> In the current figure 2 there is no physical path, between X and Y, that 
>>>> "routes around” the path from B to C. 
>>>> Packets will still go through the path B to C, in contradiction with your 
>>>> objective “route around the path from B to C”.
>>>>> Farinacci, et al. Expires 24 October 2024 [Page 4]
>>>>> Internet-Draft LISP Traffic Engineering April 2024
>>>>> Core Network
>>>>> Source site (----------------------------) Destination Site
>>>>> +--------+ ( ) +---------+
>>>>> | \ ( ) / |
>>>>> | seid ITR ---(---> A --> B --> C --> D ---)---> ETR deid |
>>>>> | / || ( / ^ ) ^^ \ |
>>>>> | / || ( | \ ) || \ |
>>>>> +-------+ || ( v | ) || +--------+
>>>>> || ( X ======> Y ) ||
>>>>> || ( ^^ || ) ||
>>>>> || (--------||---------||-------) ||
>>>>> || || || ||
>>>>> ================= =================
>>>>> LISP Tunnel LISP Tunnel
>>>>> Figure 2: ELP tunnel path ITR ==> X, then X ==> Y, and then Y ==> ETR
>>>>> There are various reasons why the path from 'seid' to 'deid' may want
>>>>> to avoid the path from B to C. To list a few:
>>>>> * There may not be sufficient capacity provided by the networks that
>>>>> connect B and C together.
>>>>> * There may be a policy reason to avoid the ASes that make up the
>>>>> path between B and C.
>>>>> * There may be a failure on the path between B and C which makes the
>>>>> path unreliable.
>>>>> * There may be monitoring or traffic inspection resources close to
>>>>> RTRs X and Y that do network accounting or measurement.
>>>>> * There may be a chain of services performed at RTRs X and Y
>>>>> regardless if the path from ITR to ETR is through B and C.
>>>>> 5. Explicit Locator Paths
>>>> This is the main technical contribution of this document and should be 
>>>> separated from the use cases. However, some of the technical details is 
>>>> spread in the use cases. 
>>>> Paragraphs that should be appended to this sections are enclosed by the 
>>>> tags <move> </move>.
>>>>> The notation for a general formatted ELP is (x, y, etr) which
>>>>> represents the list of RTRs a packet SHOULD travel through to reach
>>>>> the final tunnel hop to the ETR.
>>>>> The procedure for using an ELP at each tunnel hop is as follows:
>>>>> 1. The ITR will retrieve the ELP from the mapping database.
>>>>> 2. The ITR will encapsulate the packet to RLOC 'x'.
>>>>> Farinacci, et al. Expires 24 October 2024 [Page 5]
>>>>> Internet-Draft LISP Traffic Engineering April 2024
>>>>> 3. The RTR with RLOC 'x' will decapsulate the packet. It will use
>>>>> the decapsulated packet's destination address as a lookup into
>>>>> the mapping database to retrieve the ELP.
>>>>> 4. RTR 'x' will encapsulate the packet to RTR with RLOC 'y'.
>>>>> 5. The RTR with RLOC 'y' will decapsulate the packet. It will use
>>>>> the decapsulated packet's destination address as a lookup into
>>>>> the mapping database to retrieve the ELP.
>>>>> 6. RTR 'y' will encapsulate the packet on the final tunnel hop to
>>>>> ETR with RLOC 'etr'.
>>>>> 7. The ETR will decapsulate the packet and deliver the packet to the
>>>>> EID inside of its site.
>>>>> The specific encoding format for the ELP can be found in [RFC8060].
>>>>> It is defined that an ELP will appear as a single encoded locator in
>>>>> a locator-set. Say for instance, we have a mapping entry for EID-
>>>>> prefix that is reachable via 4 locators. Two locators are
>>>>> being used as active/active and the other two are used as active/
>>>>> active if the first two go unreachable (as noted by the priority
>>>>> assignments below). This is what the mapping entry would look like:
>>>>> EID-prefix:
>>>>> Locator-set: ETR-A: priority 1, weight 50
>>>>> ETR-B: priority 1, weight 50
>>>>> ETR-C: priority 2, weight 50
>>>>> ETR-D: priority 2, weight 50
>>>>> If an ELP is going to be used to have a policy path to ETR-A and
>>>>> possibly another policy path to ETR-B, the locator-set would be
>>>>> encoded as follows:
>>>>> Farinacci, et al. Expires 24 October 2024 [Page 6]
>>>>> Internet-Draft LISP Traffic Engineering April 2024
>>>>> EID-prefix:
>>>>> Locator-set: (x, y, ETR-A): priority 1, weight 50
>>>>> (q, r, ETR-B): priority 1, weight 50
>>>>> ETR-C: priority 2, weight 50
>>>>> ETR-D: priority 2, weight 50
>>>>> The mapping entry with ELP locators is registered to the mapping
>>>>> database system just like any other mapping entry would. The
>>>>> registration is typically performed by the ETR(s) that are assigned
>>>>> and own the EID-prefix.
>>>> Add reference to RFC9301.
>>>> You state that ELP are registered as any other mapping but you do not 
>>>> state how they are retrieved by the RTRs.
>>>> Put a sentence and a reference to RFC9300.
>>>>> That is, the destination site makes the
>>>>> choice of the RTRs in the ELP. Alternatively, it may be common
>>>>> practice for a provisioning system to program the mapping database
>>>>> with ELPs.
>>>> Do not understand the role of this provisioning system. Clarify or delete.
>>>>> Another case where a locator-set can be used for flow-based load-
>>>>> sharing across multiple paths to the same destination site:
>>>>> EID-prefix:
>>>>> Locator-set: (x, y, ETR-A): priority 1, weight 75
>>>>> (q, r, ETR-A): priority 1, weight 25
>>>>> Using this mapping entry, an ITR would load split 75% of the EID
>>>>> flows on the (x, y, ETR-A) ELP path and 25% of the EID flows on the
>>>>> (q, r, ETR-A) ELP path. If any of the ELPs go down, then the other
>>>>> can take 100% of the load.
>>>> Dino, you correct text mixes specifications and use cases. By 
>>>> concentrating the specifications in one section (namely section 5) you 
>>>> will improve readability and clarity of the document. 
>>>> Put here:
>>>> 6. Use cases
>>>> And renumber the subsections.
>>>>> 5.1. ELP Re-optimization
>>>> <move>
>>>>> ELP re-optimization is a process of changing the RLOCs of an ELP due
>>>>> to underlying network change conditions. Just like when there is any
>>>>> locator change for a locator-set, the procedures from the main LISP
>>>>> specification [RFC9300] are followed.
>>>>> When a RLOC from an ELP is changed, Map-Notify messages [RFC9301] can
>>>>> be used to inform the existing RTRs in the ELP so they can do a
>>>>> lookup to obtain the latest version of the ELP. Map-Notify messages
>>>>> can also be sent to new RTRs in an ELP so they can get the ELP in
>>>>> advance to receiving packets that will use the ELP. This can
>>>>> minimize packet loss during mapping database lookups in RTRs.
>>>> </move>
>>>>> Farinacci, et al. Expires 24 October 2024 [Page 7]
>>>>> Internet-Draft LISP Traffic Engineering April 2024
>>>>> 5.2. Using Recursion
>>>>> In the previous examples, we showed how an ITR encapsulates using an
>>>>> ELP of (x, y, etr). When a packet is encapsulated by the ITR to RTR
>>>>> 'x', the RTR may want a policy path to RTR 'y' and run another level
>>>>> of re-encapsulating tunnels for packets destined to RTR 'y'. In this
>>>>> case, RTR 'x' does not encapsulate packets to 'y' but rather performs
>>>>> a mapping database lookup on the address 'y', requests the ELP for
>>>>> RTR 'y',
>>>> What really request is a mapping, which may or may not be an ELP.
>>>> What happens if it receives a negative map-reply?
>>>>> and encapsulates packets to the first-hop of the returned
>>>>> ELP. This can be done when using a public or private mapping
>>>>> database.
>>>> You mean that this second lookup can be done on a mapping system that is 
>>>> different from the one who delivered the initial ELP, right?
>>>> If yes, can you state so?
>>>>> The decision to use address 'y' as an encapsulation
>>>>> address versus a lookup address is based on the L-bit
>>>> How the S-bit, L-bit, and the P-bit are used is not covered at all and 
>>>> should be described in section 5.
>>>>> setting for 'y'
>>>>> in the ELP entry. The decision and policy of ELP encodings are local
>>>>> to the entity which registers the EID-prefix associated with the ELP.
>>>>> Another example of recursion is when the ITR uses the ELP (x, y, etr)
>>>>> to first prepend a header with a destination RLOC of the ETR and then
>>>>> prepend another header and encapsulate the packet to RTR 'x'. When
>>>>> RTR 'x' decapsulates the packet, rather than doing a mapping database
>>>>> lookup on RTR 'y' the last example showed, instead RTR 'x' does a
>>>>> mapping database lookup on ETR 'etr'. In this scenario, RTR 'x' can
>>>>> choose an ELP from the locator-set by considering the source RLOC
>>>>> address of the ITR versus considering the source EID.
>>>>> This additional level of recursion also brings advantages for the
>>>>> provider of RTR 'x' to store less state. Since RTR 'x' does not need
>>>>> to look at the inner most header, it does not need to store EID
>>>>> state. It only stores an entry for RTR 'y' which many EID flows
>>>>> could share for scaling benefits. The locator-set for entry 'y'
>>>>> could either be a list of typical locators, a list of ELPs, or
>>>>> combination of both. Another advantage is that packet load-splitting
>>>>> can be accomplished by examining the source of a packet. If the
>>>>> source is an ITR versus the source being the last-hop of an ELP the
>>>>> last-hop selected, different forwarding paths can be used.
>>>>> 5.3. ELP Selection based on Class of Service
>>>>> Paths to an ETR may want to be selected based on different classes of
>>>>> service. Packets from a set of sources that have premium service can
>>>>> use ELP paths that are less congested where normal sources use ELP
>>>>> paths that compete for less resources or use longer paths for best
>>>>> effort service.
>>>>> Using source/destination lookups into the mapping database can yield
>>>>> different ELPs. For example, a premium service flow with
>>>>> (source=, dest= can be described by using the
>>>>> following mapping entry:
>>>>> Farinacci, et al. Expires 24 October 2024 [Page 8]
>>>>> Internet-Draft LISP Traffic Engineering April 2024
>>>>> EID-prefix: (,
>>>>> Locator-set: (x, y, ETR-A): priority 1, weight 50
>>>>> (q, r, ETR-A): priority 1, weight 50
>>>>> And all other best-effort sources would use different mapping entry
>>>>> described by:
>>>>> EID-prefix: (,
>>>>> Locator-set: (x, x', y, y', ETR-A): priority 1, weight 50
>>>>> (q, q', r, r', ETR-A): priority 1, weight 50
>>>>> If the source/destination lookup is coupled with recursive lookups,
>>>>> then an ITR can encapsulate to the ETR, prepending a header that
>>>>> selects source address ITR-1 based on the premium class of service
>>>>> source, or selects source address ITR-2 for best-effort sources with
>>>>> normal class of service. The ITR then does another lookup in the
>>>>> mapping database on the prepended header using lookup key
>>>>> (source=ITR-1, dest= that returns the following mapping
>>>>> entry:
>>>>> EID-prefix: (ITR-1,
>>>>> Locator-set: (x, y, ETR-A): priority 1, weight 50
>>>>> (q, r, ETR-A): priority 1, weight 50
>>>>> And all other sources would use different mapping entry with a lookup
>>>>> key of (source=ITR-2, dest=
>>>>> EID-prefix: (ITR-2,
>>>>> Locator-set: (x, x', y, y', ETR-A): priority 1, weight 50
>>>>> (q, q', r, r', ETR-A): priority 1, weight 50
>>>>> This will scale the mapping system better by having fewer source/
>>>>> destination combinations. Refer to the Source/Dest LCAF type
>>>>> described in [RFC8060] for encoding EIDs in Map-Request and Map-
>>>>> Register messages.
>>>>> 5.4. Packet Loop Avoidance
>>>> <move>
>>>>> An ELP that is first used by an ITR must be inspected for encoding
>>>>> loops. If any RLOC appears twice in the ELP, it MUST not be used.
>>>>> Farinacci, et al. Expires 24 October 2024 [Page 9]
>>>>> Internet-Draft LISP Traffic Engineering April 2024
>>>>> Since it is expected that multiple mapping systems will be used,
>>>>> there can be a loop across ELPs when registered in different mapping
>>>>> systems. The TTL copying procedures for re-encapsulating tunnels and
>>>>> recursive tunnels in [RFC9300] MUST be followed.
>>>> </move>
>>>>> 6. Service Chaining
>>>>> An ELP can be used to deploy services at each reencapsulation point
>>>>> in the network. One example is to implement a honey-pot service when
>>>>> a destination EID is being DoS attacked. That is, when a DoS attack
>>>>> is recognized when the encapsulation path is between ITR and ETR, an
>>>>> ELP can be registered for a destination EID to the mapping database
>>>>> system. The ELP can include an RTR so the ITR can encapsulate
>>>>> packets to the RTR which will decapsulate and deliver packets to a
>>>>> scrubber service device. The scrubber could decide if the offending
>>>>> packets are dropped or allowed to be sent to the destination EID. In
>>>>> which case, the scurbber delivers packets back to the RTR which
>>>>> encapsulates to the ETR.
>>>>> 7. RLOC Probing by RTRs
>>>> <move>
>>>>> Since an RTR knows the next tunnel hop to encapsulate to, it can
>>>>> monitor the reachability of the next-hop RTR RLOC by doing RLOC-
>>>>> probing according to the procedures in [RFC9300]. When the RLOC is
>>>>> determined unreachable by the RLOC-probing mechanisms, the RTR can
>>>>> use another locator in the locator-set. That could be the final ETR,
>>>>> a RLOC of another RTR, or an ELP where it must search for itself and
>>>>> use the next RLOC in the ELP list to encapsulate to.
>>>>> RLOC-probing can also be used to measure delay on the path between
>>>>> RTRs and when it is desirable switch to another lower delay ELP.
>>>> </move>
>>>>> 8. ELP Probing
>>>>> Since an ELP-node knows the reachabiliy of the next ELP-node in a ELP
>>>>> by using RLOC probing, the sum of reachability can determine the
>>>>> reachability of the entire path. A head-end ITR/RTR/PITR can
>>>>> determine the quality of a path and decide to select one path from
>>>>> another based on the telemetry data gathered by RLOC-probing for each
>>>>> encapsulation hop.
>>>>> ELP-probing mechanism details can be found in
>>>>> [I-D.filyurin-lisp-elp-probing].
>>>>> Farinacci, et al. Expires 24 October 2024 [Page 10]
>>>>> Internet-Draft LISP Traffic Engineering April 2024
>>>>> 9. Interworking Considerations
>>>>> [RFC6832] defines procedures for how non-LISP sites talk to LISP
>>>>> sites. The network elements defined in the Interworking
>>>>> specification, the proxy ITR (PITR) and proxy ETR (PETR) (as well as
>>>>> their multicast counterparts defined in [RFC6831]) can participate in
>>>>> LISP-TE. That is, a PITR and a PETR can appear in an ELP list and
>>>>> act as an RTR.
>>>> <move>
>>>>> Note when an RLOC appears in an ELP, it can be of any address-family.
>>>>> There can be a mix of IPv4 and IPv6 locators present in the same ELP.
>>>>> This can provide benefits where islands of one address-family or the
>>>>> other are supported and connectivity across them is necessary. For
>>>>> instance, an ELP can look like:
>>>>> (x4, a46, b64, y4, etr)
>>>>> Where an IPv4 ITR will encapsulate using an IPv4 RLOC 'x4' and 'x4'
>>>>> could reach an IPv4 RLOC 'a46', but RTR 'a46' encapsulates to an IPv6
>>>>> RLOC 'b64' when the network between them is IPv6-only. Then RTR
>>>>> 'b64' encapsulates to IPv4 RLOC 'y4' if the network between them is
>>>>> dual-stack.
>>>> </move>
>>>>> Note that RTRs can be used for NAT-traversal scenarios
>>>>> [I-D.ermagan-lisp-nat-traversal] as well to reduce the state in both
>>>>> an xTR that resides behind a NAT and the state the NAT needs to
>>>>> maintain. In this case, the xTR only needs a default map-cache entry
>>>>> pointing to the RTR for outbound traffic and all remote ITRs can
>>>>> reach EIDs through the xTR behind a NAT via a single RTR (or a small
>>>>> set RTRs for redundancy).
>>>>> RTRs have some scaling features to reduce the number of locator-set
>>>>> changes, the amount of state, and control packet overhead:
>>>>> * When ITRs and PITRs are using a small set of RTRs for
>>>>> encapsulating to "orders of magnitude" more EID-prefixes, the
>>>>> probability of locator-set changes are limited to the RTR RLOC
>>>>> changes versus the RLOC changes for the ETRs associated with the
>>>>> EID-prefixes if the ITRs and PITRs were directly encapsulating to
>>>>> the ETRs. This comes at an expense in packet stretch, but
>>>>> depending on RTR placement, this expense can be mitigated.
>>>>> * When RTRs are on-path between many pairwise EID flows, ITRs and
>>>>> PITRs can store a small number of coarse EID-prefixes.
>>>>> Farinacci, et al. Expires 24 October 2024 [Page 11]
>>>>> Internet-Draft LISP Traffic Engineering April 2024
>>>>> * RTRs can be used to help scale RLOC-probing. Instead of ITRs
>>>>> RLOC-probing all ETRs for each destination site it has cached, the
>>>>> ITRs can probe a smaller set of RTRs which in turn, probe the
>>>>> destination sites.
>>>>> 10. Multicast Considerations
>>>>> ELPs have application in multicast environments. Just like RTRs can
>>>>> be used to provide connectivity across different address family
>>>>> islands, RTRs can help concatenate a multicast region of the network
>>>>> to one that does not support native multicast.
>>>>> Note there are various combinations of connectivity that can be
>>>>> accomplished with the deployment of RTRs and ELPs:
>>>>> * Providing multicast forwarding between IPv4-only-unicast regions
>>>>> and IPv4-multicast regions.
>>>>> * Providing multicast forwarding between IPv6-only-unicast regions
>>>>> and IPv6-multicast regions.
>>>>> * Providing multicast forwarding between IPv4-only-unicast regions
>>>>> and IPv6-multicast regions.
>>>>> * Providing multicast forwarding between IPv6-only-unicast regions
>>>>> and IPv4-multicast regions.
>>>>> * Providing multicast forwarding between IPv4-multicast regions and
>>>>> IPv6-multicast regions.
>>>>> An ITR or PITR can do a (S-EID,G) lookup into the mapping database.
>>>>> What can be returned is a typical locator-set that could be made up
>>>>> of the various RLOC addresses:
>>>>> Multicast EID key: (S-EID, G)
>>>> The document uses a mix of “seid” and “S-EID”, choose one.
>>>>> Locator-set: ETR-A: priority 1, weight 25
>>>>> ETR-B: priority 1, weight 25
>>>>> g1: priority 1, weight 25
>>>>> g2: priority 1, weight 25
>>>>> Farinacci, et al. Expires 24 October 2024 [Page 12]
>>>>> Internet-Draft LISP Traffic Engineering April 2024
>>>>> Figure 3: An entry for host 'S-EID' sending to application group 'G'
>>>>> The locator-set above can be used as a replication list. That is
>>>>> some RLOCs listed can be unicast RLOCs and some can be delivery group
>>>>> RLOCs. A unicast RLOC in this case is used to encapsulate a
>>>>> multicast packet originated by a multicast source EID into a unicast
>>>>> packet for unicast delivery on the underlying network. ETR-A could
>>>>> be an IPv4 unicast RLOC address and ETR-B could be a IPv6 unicast
>>>>> RLOC address.
>>>>> A delivery group address is used when a multicast packet originated
>>>>> by a multicast source EID is encapsulated in a multicast packet for
>>>>> multicast delivery on the underlying network. Group address 'g1'
>>>>> could be an IPv4 delivery group RLOC and group address 'g2' could be
>>>>> an IPv6 delivery group RLOC.
>>>>> Flexibility for these various types of connectivity combinations can
>>>>> be achieved and provided by the mapping database system. And the RTR
>>>>> placement allows the connectivity to occur where the differences in
>>>>> network functionality is located.
>>>>> Extending this concept by allowing ELPs in locator-sets, one could
>>>>> have this locator-set registered in the mapping database for (S-EID,
>>>>> G). For example:
>>>>> Multicast EID key: (S-EID, G)
>>>>> Locator-set: (x, y, ETR-A): priority 1, weight 50
>>>>> (a, g, b, ETR-B): priority 1, weight 50
>>>>> Figure 4: Using ELPs for multicast flows
>>>>> In the above situation, an ITR would encapsulate a multicast packet
>>>>> originated by a multicast source EID to the RTR with unicast RLOC
>>>>> 'x'. Then RTR 'x' would decapsulate and unicast encapsulate to RTR
>>>>> 'y' ('x' or 'y' could be either IPv4 or IPv6 unicast RLOCs), which
>>>>> would decapsulate and unicast encapsulate to the final RLOC 'ETR-A'.
>>>>> The ETR 'ETR-A' would decapsulate and deliver the multicast packet
>>>>> natively to all the receivers joined to application group 'G' inside
>>>>> the LISP site.
>>>>> Let's look at the ITR using the ELP (a, g, b, ETR-B). Here the
>>>>> encapsulation path would be the ITR unicast encapsulates to unicast
>>>>> RLOC 'a'. RTR 'a' multicast encapsulates to delivery group 'g'. The
>>>>> packet gets to all ETRs that have joined delivery group 'g' so they
>>>>> can deliver the multicast packet to joined receivers of application
>>>>> Farinacci, et al. Expires 24 October 2024 [Page 13]
>>>>> Internet-Draft LISP Traffic Engineering April 2024
>>>>> group 'G' in their sites. RTR 'b' is also joined to delivery group
>>>>> 'g'.
>>>> What if it isn’t? Or what if there are several RTR that should re-encap in 
>>>> unicast? It look underspecified to me.
>>>>> Since it is in the ELP, it will be the only RTR that unicast
>>>>> encapsulates the multicast packet to ETR 'ETR-B'. Lastly, 'ETR-B'
>>>>> decapsulates and delivers the multicast packet to joined receivers to
>>>>> application group 'G' in its LISP site.
>>>>> As one can see there are all sorts of opportunities to provide
>>>>> multicast connectivity across a network with non-congruent support
>>>>> for multicast and different address-families. One can also see how
>>>>> using the mapping database can allow flexible forms of delivery
>>>>> policy, rerouting, and congestion control management in multicast
>>>>> environments.
>>>>> 11. Security Considerations
>>>>> When an RTR receives a LISP encapsulated packet, it can look at the
>>>>> outer source address to verify that RLOC is the one listed as the
>>>>> previous hop in the ELP list. If the outer source RLOC address
>>>>> appears before the RLOC which matches the outer destination RLOC
>>>>> address, the decapsulating RTR (or ETR if last hop), MAY choose to
>>>>> drop the packet.
>>>> Why not a SHOULD?
>>>> Flexibility is not a sufficient answer. The MAY opens the door to security 
>>>> issues.
>>>> How does this work with LISP-SEC? IMO there is no changes needed, it just 
>>>> works out of the box. Would be good to state it explicitly.
>>>> I would add a sentence about new attacks. Refer to RFC7835 and state if 
>>>> there are additional attack. If not, just state explicitly that no new 
>>>> attack vectors are introduced by this mechanism.
>>>>> 12. IANA Considerations
>>>>> This document does not make any request to IANA.
>>>>> 13. References
>>>>> 13.1. Normative References
>>>>> [RFC0791] Postel, J., "Internet Protocol", STD 5, RFC 791,
>>>>> DOI 10.17487/RFC0791, September 1981,
>>>>> <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc791>.
>>>>> [RFC1034] Mockapetris, P., "Domain names - concepts and facilities",
>>>>> STD 13, RFC 1034, DOI 10.17487/RFC1034, November 1987,
>>>>> <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc1034>.
>>>>> [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
>>>>> Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
>>>>> DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,
>>>>> <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc2119>.
>>>>> [RFC2460] Deering, S. and R. Hinden, "Internet Protocol, Version 6
>>>>> (IPv6) Specification", RFC 2460, DOI 10.17487/RFC2460,
>>>>> December 1998, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc2460>.
>>>>> Farinacci, et al. Expires 24 October 2024 [Page 14]
>>>>> Internet-Draft LISP Traffic Engineering April 2024
>>>>> [RFC3261] Rosenberg, J., Schulzrinne, H., Camarillo, G., Johnston,
>>>>> A., Peterson, J., Sparks, R., Handley, M., and E.
>>>>> Schooler, "SIP: Session Initiation Protocol", RFC 3261,
>>>>> DOI 10.17487/RFC3261, June 2002,
>>>>> <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc3261>.
>>>>> [RFC6831] Farinacci, D., Meyer, D., Zwiebel, J., and S. Venaas, "The
>>>>> Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) for Multicast
>>>>> Environments", RFC 6831, DOI 10.17487/RFC6831, January
>>>>> 2013, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6831>.
>>>>> [RFC6832] Lewis, D., Meyer, D., Farinacci, D., and V. Fuller,
>>>>> "Interworking between Locator/ID Separation Protocol
>>>>> (LISP) and Non-LISP Sites", RFC 6832,
>>>>> DOI 10.17487/RFC6832, January 2013,
>>>>> <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6832>.
>>>>> [RFC8060] Farinacci, D., Meyer, D., and J. Snijders, "LISP Canonical
>>>>> Address Format (LCAF)", RFC 8060, DOI 10.17487/RFC8060,
>>>>> February 2017, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8060>.
>>>>> [RFC8174] Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
>>>>> 2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
>>>>> May 2017, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8174>.
>>>>> [RFC9300] Farinacci, D., Fuller, V., Meyer, D., Lewis, D., and A.
>>>>> Cabellos, Ed., "The Locator/ID Separation Protocol
>>>>> (LISP)", RFC 9300, DOI 10.17487/RFC9300, October 2022,
>>>>> <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9300>.
>>>>> [RFC9301] Farinacci, D., Maino, F., Fuller, V., and A. Cabellos,
>>>>> Ed., "Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) Control
>>>>> Plane", RFC 9301, DOI 10.17487/RFC9301, October 2022,
>>>>> <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9301>.
>>>>> 13.2. Informative References
>>>>> [I-D.ermagan-lisp-nat-traversal]
>>>>> Ermagan, V., Farinacci, D., Lewis, D., Maino, F.,
>>>>> Portoles-Comeras, M., Skriver, J., White, C., Brescó, A.
>>>>> L., and A. Cabellos-Aparicio, "NAT traversal for LISP",
>>>>> Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ermagan-lisp-nat-
>>>>> traversal-19, 7 May 2021,
>>>>> <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ermagan-lisp-
>>>>> nat-traversal-19>.
>>>>> Farinacci, et al. Expires 24 October 2024 [Page 15]
>>>>> Internet-Draft LISP Traffic Engineering April 2024
>>>>> [I-D.filyurin-lisp-elp-probing]
>>>>> Filyurin, Y., Raszuk, R., Boyes, T., and D. Farinacci,
>>>>> "LISP Explicit Locator Path (ELP) Probing", Work in
>>>>> Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-filyurin-lisp-elp-probing-
>>>>> 01, 14 May 2018, <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/
>>>>> draft-filyurin-lisp-elp-probing-01>.
>>>>> Appendix A. Acknowledgments
>>>>> The authors would like to thank the following people for their ideas
>>>>> and comments. They are Albert Cabellos, Khalid Raza, and Vina
>>>>> Ermagan, Gregg Schudel, Yan Filyurin, Robert Raszuk, and Truman
>>>>> Boyes.
>>>>> Appendix B. Document Change Log
>>>>> B.1. Changes to draft-ietf-lisp-te-15
>>>>> * Posted April 2024.
>>>>> * Made changes to reflect comments from Luigi as we ready document
>>>>> for standards track.
>>>>> B.2. Changes to draft-ietf-lisp-te-14
>>>>> * Posted February 2024.
>>>>> * Update references and document timer.
>>>>> B.3. Changes to draft-ietf-lisp-te-13
>>>>> * Posted August 2023.
>>>>> * Update references (to proposed standard documents) and document
>>>>> timer.
>>>>> B.4. Changes to draft-ietf-lisp-te-12
>>>>> * Posted March 2023.
>>>>> * Update references (to propsed standard documents) and document
>>>>> timer.
>>>>> B.5. Changes to draft-ietf-lisp-te-11
>>>>> * Posted September 2022.
>>>>> * Update document timer and references.
>>>>> Farinacci, et al. Expires 24 October 2024 [Page 16]
>>>>> Internet-Draft LISP Traffic Engineering April 2024
>>>>> B.6. Changes to draft-ietf-lisp-te-10
>>>>> * Posted March 2022.
>>>>> * Update document timer and references.
>>>>> B.7. Changes to draft-ietf-lisp-te-09
>>>>> * Posted September 2021.
>>>>> * Update document timer and references.
>>>>> B.8. Changes to draft-ietf-lisp-te-08
>>>>> * Posted March 2021.
>>>>> * Update document timer and references.
>>>>> B.9. Changes to draft-ietf-lisp-te-07
>>>>> * Posted October 2020.
>>>>> * Update document timer and references.
>>>>> B.10. Changes to draft-ietf-lisp-te-06
>>>>> * Posted April 2020.
>>>>> * Update document timer and references.
>>>>> B.11. Changes to draft-ietf-lisp-te-05
>>>>> * Posted October 2019.
>>>>> * Update document timer and references.
>>>>> B.12. Changes to draft-ietf-lisp-te-04
>>>>> * Posted April 2019.
>>>>> * Update document timer and references.
>>>>> B.13. Changes to draft-ietf-lisp-te-03
>>>>> * Posted October 2018.
>>>>> * Update document timer and references.
>>>>> Farinacci, et al. Expires 24 October 2024 [Page 17]
>>>>> Internet-Draft LISP Traffic Engineering April 2024
>>>>> B.14. Changes to draft-ietf-lisp-te-02
>>>>> * Posted April 2018.
>>>>> * Update document timer and references.
>>>>> B.15. Changes to draft-ietf-lisp-te-01
>>>>> * Posted October 2017.
>>>>> * Added section on ELP-probing that tells an ITR/RTR/PITR the
>>>>> feasibility and reachability of an Explicit Lcoator Path.
>>>>> B.16. Changes to draft-ietf-lisp-te-00
>>>>> * Posted April 2017.
>>>>> * Changed draft-farinacci-lisp-te-12 to working group document.
>>>>> B.17. Changes to draft-farinacci-lisp-te-02 through -12
>>>>> * Many postings from January 2013 through February 2017.
>>>>> * Update references and document timer.
>>>>> B.18. Changes to draft-farinacci-lisp-te-01.txt
>>>>> * Posted July 2012.
>>>>> * Add the Lookup bit to allow an ELP to be a list of encapsulation
>>>>> and/or mapping database lookup addresses.
>>>>> * Indicate that ELPs can be used for service chaining.
>>>>> * Add text to indicate that Map-Notify messages can be sent to new
>>>>> RTRs in a ELP so their map-caches can be pre-populated to avoid
>>>>> mapping database lookup packet loss.
>>>>> * Fixes to editorial comments from Gregg.
>>>>> B.19. Changes to draft-farinacci-lisp-te-00.txt
>>>>> * Initial draft posted March 2012.
>>>>> Authors' Addresses
>>>>> Farinacci, et al. Expires 24 October 2024 [Page 18]
>>>>> Internet-Draft LISP Traffic Engineering April 2024
>>>>> Dino Farinacci
>>>>> lispers.net
>>>>> San Jose, California
>>>>> United States of America
>>>>> Phone: 408-718-2001
>>>>> Email: farina...@gmail.com
>>>>> Michael Kowal
>>>>> cisco Systems
>>>>> 111 Wood Avenue South
>>>>> ISELIN, NJ
>>>>> United States of America
>>>>> Email: miko...@cisco.com
>>>>> Parantap Lahiri
>>>>> United States of America
>>>>> Email: parantap.lah...@gmail.com
>>>>> Farinacci, et al. Expires 24 October 2024 [Page 19]

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