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On 27-Jan-99 Roberto Gaetano wrote:
> Folks,
> I liked Jay's summary.
> Let me add few lines to Bret's comments.

> Regards
> Roberto

Hello Roberto.

It is late, and I am going to catch some sleep before resuming work in a few
hours, but I wanted to make a rather broad comment on your message.

I truly wish the rest of the leadership of the DNSO.org (and you know who I
mean, even if DNSO.org continues to deny that this leadership group exists)
would be as open to compromise as I am seeing you be in this message.

While I disagree with some of the salient points of your analysis (which I
reserve the right to comment on after I have had some sleep :), your statements
left a wide latitude for compromise that brings hope to this process now
developing a draft that merges the best from the proposals currently being
considered, and develops a set of documents that are truly representative of a
the broad (and vast) stakeholder community.   I also saw a lot in your comments
that I agreed with and that made a lot of common sense.

The addition of the Ireland and AIP drafts has brought a fresh air of ideas and
it seems they also brought a better sense of working together amongst more of
the participants.  Perhaps it would be a wake up call to the DNSO.org that
indeed there is substantial opposition to a lot of what is in their merged
draft, and bring us all into a better sense of working together now.

If the introduction of "competing" drafts has truly resulted in us all stepping
forward and working together, than it has served the purpose I desired it to
when I began advocating it (quite vocally  ;).

I'll try to post a more specific set of comments later, but what I have seen in
the discussion traffic today makes me feel much more positive about this than I
have felt for a number of weeks.

E-Mail: William X. Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 27-Jan-99
Time: 03:38:45

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