At 1/25/99, 08:20 PM, William X. Walsh wrote:
>On 26-Jan-99 Jay Fenello wrote:
>> Hi William,
>> They have the influence they have,
>> and that's enough influence to block 
>> *any* proposal put on the table.
>People keep claiming this, but I fail to see exactly how they can claim to be
>able to do this?
>Especially considering that they have been unable to use that influence to get
>their rules adopted at legislative levels.
>Why are we operating under this assumption?

Think of it this way.

The trademark/business community is *much*,
**much** stronger than ORSC, yet ORSC has 
been able to block (or at least slow down) 
many of the plans that we haven't agreed 

Don't you think they can as well?


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