On 25-Jan-99 Jay Fenello wrote:
> The TB interests, on the other hand, really need a fast 
> and simple way to establish some rules for the Internet.  
> They can either build a system of contracts as suggested 
> in the White Paper, or they can spend the next 100 years, 
> and millions of dollars trying to get legislation and/or 
> treaties passed in every country plugged into the 
> Internet.

Let them.  They are already trying, and have resoundingly failed.  They are
only trying here because they know legislative efforts have failed (and most
likely will continue to).

They should have no more influence than any other domain name holders group
(and by their numbers a very small group). 

Or are we giving them higher status because of their money?

E-Mail: William X. Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 25-Jan-99
Time: 15:58:41

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