At 04:37 PM 1/31/99 -0600, you wrote:
>Bob Allisat wrote:
>>  If I understand you correctly Eric you are proposing
>>  that the IFWP become the membership of ICANN...
>Molly, if it isn't already there, would you add this as an option
>to be considered under the "individual" membership model?
Not to poke a hole here, but what about all the great, unwashed
millions who own modems and flit about the internet with them but
have never heard of either IFWP or ICANN?  Recent discussions
have them as "stakeholders" as well, yet in the dozens or so
of people with whom I interact on the internet I suspect there
may be one or two besides myself who would even have heard
about this whole tempest being stewed here. Are they to be
notified that the Founding Fathers are holding a Constitutional
Convention? And if so, how? And what then?

Bill Lovell

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