Bill Lovell wrote:

> Not to poke a hole here, but what about all the great, unwashed
> millions who own modems and flit about the internet with them but
> have never heard of either IFWP or ICANN? 

What about them?  There must be some good reason why they did not
come to a meeting, join this list or read an article about ICANN
in a discussion group or the "popular" press.  Are they really
interested in DNS or IP issues?  Would you make them join and vote
if they are not interested?  No.  

We figured this out at our first meeting in Reston.  We are it. A
few others will join us as elections and referenda are held.  But,
you won't get 10,000 members no matter what kind of door prize is
offered.  I'll bet big money there are less than 1,000 voters in
our first election.  The number could actually decrease in
succeeding elections.

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