Hello all,

Are you aware that the ISOC is representing the DSNO.ORG Washington DC
draft? Do you even know what I am talking about?

If you don't, I suggest that you find out what our leadership is up to. I
don't watch everything the ISOC does, but I am sure that I would have
caught a members poll on this issue.

For a good start of what this is all about see www.dnso.net.

The Domain Names Support Organization (DNSO) is a policy advisory arm of
the new Internet Corporation of Names and Numbers (ICANN). The ICANN is
supposed to be taking up the reins of the old IANA. This entire Internet
privatization effort, from the USG, has been surrounded by much debate,
some of it acrimonious.

However, the formation of these bodies politic is crucial to our collective
future and that of the Internet. The method of their formation is vital. It
is general consensus, among the direct participants that all associated
organizations, as well as the ICANN itself, must be open and transparent
systems. Yet, the ICANN, as well as the "Washington DC DNSO Draft", were
completed in the dark.

The essence of the Washington DC draft is control, by the trademark
interests (WIPO/INTA/others), of the DNSO. The ISOC is supporting this.
They advocate a priori restriction on domain names, among other things.
They clearly intend to place a priori restrictions on new Top Level Domain
(TLD) names. All of this in the interests of protecting trademark owners.
This is in violation of freedom of speech and expression. They couldn't get
this passed in the US congress so now they are trying to subvert the
process by which our very business addresses are handled. It saddens me
that the ISOC is backing this. What happened to our first-principles?

The actual document that is getting much consensus backing and approval is
the "Paris Draft" DNSO proposal.

Morgan Hill Software Company, Inc. 
Roeland M.J. Meyer
President and CEO. 

e-mail:         mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Web-pages:      http://staff.mhsc.com/ceo
Web-site:               http://www.mhsc.com 

Colorado Springs, CO - Livermore, CA - Morgan Hill, CA 
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