Hello again, fellow ISOC members,

With regard to my recent messages, there is a reasonably neutral page-set
that lists and describes the various DNSO drafts and proposals from all
available organizations. Considering that the ISOC has come out in support
of one of these, and I have never heard of a ISOC poll on this issue, or
even much discussion, I thought it would interest you to know what you are
supporting, via the ISOC.

Please, regardless of your opinions on these issues, become informed. It is
important. There are about 300 of us involved directly in these debates and
drafts, world-wide. It is not enough. The entire process has already been
hi-jacked a number of times. The latest occurrence was when the ICANN was
created. Now it appears that the DNSO process is in danger of such
hi-jacking, by the trademark interests. Make yourself informed, become
involved and help us form a large enough consensus body to prevent yet
another hi-jacking. If someone wants to help with the final DNSO draft,
please provide input. We are seeking draft consolidation at this moment.

The "Washington DC" DNSO draft, that the ISOC is supporting, was written by
a very small (less than 5) group that accepted very little external input,
IANA-style. It was, for all intents an purposes, written privately. If it
wins, the only stakeholder, with any significant voice, will be the
trademark interests. That would be a bad thing, IMHO.

But, by all means, don't take my word for it nor that of the ISOC
leadership. Study the drafts and makeup your own minds.

>Date: Sun, 7 Feb 1999 02:30:42 -0800
>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ellen Rony)
>Subject: Draft comparisons
>Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ellen Rony)
>The page comparing DNSO draft proposals (dnso.org and Paris draft)
>submitted to ICANN now also includes the amendments proposed by AIP & NSI
>And a grey ribbon.
>See:  www.domainhandbook.com/dnso-comp.html
>The archive of earlier DNSO proposals now includes the AIP/CENTR/ORSC
>merged draft along with five other earlier proposals.  See
>www.domainhandbook.com/dnso-comp.html.  The page loads very slowly because
>it has so much text.  Be patient.
>Thanks to those who pointed out some link errors and who encouraged me to
>stay on the task.
>Ellen Rony                                                     Co-author
>The Domain Name Handbook                   http://www.domainhandbook.com
>================================  // ===================================
>ISBN 0879305150                *="  ____ /             +1 (415) 435-5010
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]             \     )                    Tiburon, CA
>                                   //  \\   "Carpe canine"
>    Join the GREY RIBBON CAMPAIGN to bring ICANN out of the shadows.
>                See http://www.domainhandbook.com/icannt.html

Morgan Hill Software Company, Inc. 
Roeland M.J. Meyer
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