Donald E. Eastlake & Aliza R. Panitz wrote:
> To safely satisfy these needs, four domain names are reserved as
> listed and described below.
>                   .test
>                .example
>                .invalid
>              .localhost

 I have no problem reserving these top level domains.
 There may even be more that should usefully be held
 for other uses. However when Eastlake and Panitz wrote:

> The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) also currently has 
> the following second level domain names reserved which can be used 
> as examples.

 They overstepped the line. Secondary domain names are
 *not* appropriately managed from the Macro level or on
 a global basis. Every Domain Name Services Provider must
 determine it's own general policy in this respects.
 Under this line of reasoning they will be suggesting
 other words, naughty or not, will be forbidden. No way.

 Bob Allisat

 Free Community Network _ [EMAIL PROTECTED] _

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