J.M. Inness-Brown a écrit:

>         Lawyers have been dealing with these things forever.  On all sides. You
> may find it hard to believe, but not all lawyers work for big business, or
> even for money, for that matter...and some make a terrific career out of
> actually seeking thier visions of justice, however faulted.  It might make
> sense to listen to them from time to time - to confront evil, know evil,
> n'est pas? ;<)
>         And this is what I'm getting to really; I wanted to thank Mr. Sondow for
> his amusing comment below that he wants the internet to..
>  "continue to be used by everyone on an equal and free basis, which won't
> happen once the lawyers, whose interest is always with the biggest and
> richest businesses, get too big a hold on the process."
>               Indeed amusing...  Well from here I can only refer you to my
> signature line below as I have too long already imposed on your kind
> attention.
> J.M. Inness-Brown, Esq.
>         "There are some things, apparently, that not even lawyers will tolerate;
> and in a naturally unjust world where the image of 'Justice' is honored for
> being blind, even a blind pig will find an acorn once in a while."
>      Hunter S. Thompson

I'd like to thank Mr. Innes-Brown for his intelligent remarks, although I'm
left after reading his message with a sense of ambiguity about these final
comments. Are you an attorney, Mr. Brown? You seem to want to impose some
balance onto my anti-lawyer polemics, perhaps with some justification since,
as you rightly say, not all lawyers work for big business. But then you end
with a quote that seems to imply that lawyers are akin to blind pigs or, if
not, to the acorns found by blind pigs from time to time while they root
around in garbage, I'm not sure which (Hunter's syntax can only be properly
construed under the influence of the same substances used in its invention).

In any case, I think we might sum up the matter with another quote, this
time from our illustrious leader, Mr. Michael Roberts, formerly of Educause
but now with the cause of, well, it's anyone's guess, really:

 "We want to do the right thing for the Internet even
    though there are lawyerly aspects now present."

                       -- Mike Roberts, Dec. 10, 1998

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