No, I meant SELECTED, after the BoD members are elected, they select
and appoint their Chair from outside, and this chair serves at the
pleasure of the BoD.

As for nooot being able to do anything with more than 10 or less than
100 members (or a board), I am referring to the obeservation that as
soon as you have more then ten board or committee members, things get
more complicated with need for staff and support funtions and such,
until you get to a full size with 100 people involved with supporting
the BoD;-)...

~Thjsi is indeed rather tongue in cheek, but I have found that any
such board or committee has problems arranging meetings and getting
work done if it has more than 10 members.  

So, I am biased toward seeking ways to cap the number of members at


>From your message Wed, 06 Jan 1999 18:02:29 +0000:
}Stef and all,
}Einar Stefferud wrote:
}> BTW, I also propose that the BoD only have 10 members, plus a
}> nonmember Cahir selected by the members.
}  Do you mean Chair here Stef?  And do you also mean ELECTED, not
}Selected?  Please clarify.
}> The applied principle is that you cannot do anything with more than 10
}> or less than 100 members.
}  Why?  We have over 80k members and we sure don't have any problems.
}If you automate things correctly and set up a good voting process and
}procedure it isn't that big of a problem.  Of course if you don't, than you
}have plenty of problems with coordination.
}> Cheers...\Stef
}> On Tue, 05 Jan 1999 23:47:27 -0800 I wrote:
}> } My candidate constituencies for a DNSO are:
}> }
}> } 1.  Root Service Providers
}> }
}> } 2.  ccTLD registries
}> }
}> } 3.  gTLD  registries
}> }
}> } 4.  Registrar Service Providers (includes ISPs)
}> }
}> } 5.  DNS Zone Administrators at any level (SLD and lower)
}> }
}> } 6.  TM Interest Organizations
}> }
}> } 7.  Public Interest Organizations
}> }
}> } 8.  ISPs
}> }
}> } 9.  General Public Individuals
}> }
}> } 10. Other Commercial Interest Organizations.
}> }
}> } Now, with this much fragmentation, it woudl require that three
}> } constituencies form an alliance in order to have 30% of the BoD votes,
}> } and so none of these constituencies and seriously control the BoD.
}> }
}Jeffrey A. Williams
}CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
}Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
}Contact Number:  972-447-1894
}Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208

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