At 10:52 AM 1/7/99 +0000, Dave Crocker wrote:

>I'll coin the term rTLDs (registered TLDs) for those TLDs which permit

How about cTLD, for "chartered TLD"? It's semantics, but more accurate, IMHO.

>registration only according to strict rules that define the category.  We
>already have one example, although enforcement has been spotty, namely
>.EDU.  Another that has been discussed is .TM, under which registrations
>would be allowed only by holders of trademarks.  .museum is an example of
>The idea for rTLDs is that there are criteria which define who may and who
>may not register and there is an enforcement agency which vets registrants.
>The nice thing about the DNS is that it can support multiple schema.  The
>not-so-nice thing about it is that people can get confused about the
>different schema, sometime trying to treat one as if it were another.

IMHO, most of the problems/discussion/arguments/general heat are caused by
myopic/distorted views of the environment we see available to us, as a
whole, self included. Folks that have sliced off their own little corner of
the Internet universe and think that their view applies to everyone else,
or should apply to everyone else. No single business model will work and no
single schema will work. Likewise, no single policy set will work. I think
that most of us know this, deep inside, but a lot of us also get wrapped up
in the heat of the discussion and forget these things momentarily. I think
we need occasional reminders that the above is a basic truth. 

I like Stef's recommendation of a values-based organization at the top, be
it ICANN/DNSO or otherwise. It strikes a chord with me, personally.
Roeland M.J. Meyer - 
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I hold it, that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing...
                -- Thomas Jefferson

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