....with care!  Basically, we're hoping that any multiple SO proposals will
reconcile themselves, because we are asking for a consensus rather than a
winner.  (There's no formal procedure, more a direction about the result.)

Valid suggestions from the comment period: The group/coalition  drawing up
the consensus proposal should incorporate/meld/draw upon such suggestions
before submitting their final application.  And then each SO (by definition)
needs to have a way to continue to receive and respond to valid
suggestions/input from the  "outside" and from people formerly outside.  

Having been part of such a process from the inside, I know how frustrating
it can be, and I'm trying to think what lessons we (the Initial Board) can
draw from our own experiences - not yet over! - to help in the formation of
the SOs. It may be that consensus simply *is* difficult to achieve and that
some struggle is necessary, but probably not all of it. One way I hope we
can be helpful is to answer reasonable questions resonably.

Esther Dyson

At 03:58 PM 07/01/99 -0500, Jay Fenello wrote:
>Hello Esther,
>As we all watch the various stakeholders work 
>feverishly towards some kind of consensus on 
>the form and structure for the three Supporting 
>Organizations, I have a question about process.
>How will ICANN . . .
>-      reconcile multiple SO proposals?
>-      incorporate valid suggestions received during the 
>       public comment period into the SO applications?
>Thanks in advance,
>Jay Fenello
>President, Iperdome, Inc.  
>404-943-0524  http://www.iperdome.com

Esther Dyson                    Always make new mistakes!
chairman, EDventure Holdings
interim chairman, Internet Corp. for Assigned Names & Numbers
1 (212) 924-8800
1 (212) 924-0240 fax
104 Fifth Avenue (between 15th and 16th Streets; 20th floor)
New York, NY 10011 USA

High-Tech Forum in Europe:  October 1999, Budapest
PC Forum: 21 to 24  March 1999, Scottsdale (Phoenix), Arizona 
Book:  "Release 2.0: A design for living in the digital age" 

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