"Jim Fleming" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>IRS laws are supposed to prevent non-profits
>from being formed that provide the same services
>as the for-profit sector. Why is the U.S. Government
>encouraging the creation of organizations that do
>not appear to conform to IRS regulations ?

Not just encouraging the creation.

The U.S. government has created ICANN as a supposed charity
to receive the public property of the Internet protocols,
DNS, IP numbers, etc. and to allow behind the scenes 
powerful players to do what they want with this public 

This is *not* quite what I thought charities were created
to do.

>non-profit does not mean low cost, free of corruption, etc.
>in some cases it is now used to harbor closed door activities
>while society is given the impression it is a "do good" group...
>it is a shame that these new-age-non-profits are placing the
>traditional non-profits in a bad light...

And it doesn't quite seem to be non-profit when there are
some of the largest and most powerful corporate interests
paying for their operation as they are given probably the 
most valuable public assets ever to be transferred to private

And it doesn't seem to be a non-profit entity when the U.S.
government has created it and is acting behind the scenes.


             Netizens: On the History and Impact
               of Usenet and the Internet
            in print edition ISBN 0-8186-7706-6 

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