On Thu, Feb 25, 1999 at 05:27:45PM -0500, Milton Mueller wrote:
> Who has funded Kent Crispin's peripatetic travel schedule? (No, it isn't
> Kent's piggybank)

Yes, it is my own personal piggybank that has funded my travel.  The 
only exception is that my employer has covered my expenses to a 
couple of IETF meetings -- but I am a network software person.

> Who has funded the presence of a certain PAB/POC person
> at every one of the WIPO hearings? Who funded the ITU's participation in
> gTLD-MoU? Who has funded Don Heath's movements about the planet? Is there
> any different in principle between that and NSI sending its allies to
> meetings? Let's quit the posturing here. There are two battling factions.
> Both of them spend lots of money to send people to meetings. The idea that
> one of those factions is a pure-hearted, noble, non self-interested group
> of amateurs is one of the more transparently ludicrous self-delusions
> we've seen advanced on this list.

Not so.  The fact is that there are many people like me in the
IAHC/POC/CORE arena that fund this activity entirely on their own
dime -- sometimes tens of thousands of dollars.  The CORE registrars
have a monetary stake in this, it is true.  But the IAHC/POC is
composed of volunteers with no financial stake.

> That kind of mentality is one of the
> reasons why the factional divisions have been sustained for three years
> and counting.....

It doesn't surprise me that your only reaction to altruism is to 
belittle it.

Kent Crispin, PAB Chair                         "Do good, and you'll be
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                               lonesome." -- Mark Twain

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