Isn't this going a bit too far ?

Last night I met with Jay Fenello. Nobody was told,
nobody could show up unless they stumbled across us.
Secret. Closed. Evil.

But this happens. Poeple do meet without wanitng the
whole world there. 

I figure as long as no decidions are mad and we don't
hear crap like "so and so and such and such met and
a decsion was made..." - and that decision afffects
the outcome of this circius, then I figure it's fair game.

I honestly have no idea whats going on with this Washington
thing other than the dates keep changing. I probbaly
don't have all the facts straight because in my mind
I understand that CORE invited Jay to a meeting at NSI.

Thats probably not right, and in all honesty I do not
care. Everybody else seems to know whats going on
and when (if) stuff happens, we know. The e-mail
runneth over and the phone doth ring off the hook.

I made a great batch of chili tonight.

"To find out what your opponent is up to, look at what he
says about you" - unknown

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