At 07:37 AM 1/9/99 -0500, Michael Sondow wrote:
>Richard J. Sexton a écrit:
>> At 02:09 AM 1/9/99 -0500, Michael Sondow wrote:
>> >That meeting you're going to is the real meeting, from which the opposition
>> >is being excluded. The one the next day is the window dressing. You and the
>> >ORSC are going to help them do this, just like the people who negotiated
>> >separately with the IANA last summer and broke up the IFWP?
>> Do you REALLY think we're that stupid Michael ?
>Oh, it's not stupidity, not by a long shot. It's called self-interest.
>You've agreed to attend a closed meeting, knowing full well that people were
>being excluded. Now, when attacked, you claim to be doing it in the public
>interest. That's just more of the same malarky. Who appointed you the
>representatives of the public interest? The public will represent itself,
>thank you, if everyone will stop excluding it.

Look, there's an important distinction here.

If I personally get invited to NSI to discuss wether should
have two nameservers or three, you do not care.

If I were invited to NSI to discuss whether ALL domains should have
two nameservers or three, then you'd care.

So, the differnce is, if it shapes *public* policy the public should
be able to attent. I do not think we disagree on that.

Now, the meeting on the 22nd has the potential to affect public policy,
and thats an open meeting. My understanding is the meeting on the
21st is to compare notes so the ONE DAY is not wasted. 

If ORSC, NSI and CORE come out of that meeting agreeing on a bunch of stuff,
make this known on the 22nd and a greater consensus comes out of it
then we're on target. You may or course disagree wih what they agree
to, but you're going to do that anyway.

If some public policy is defined in that closed meeting, then I'll stand
right next to you and bitch as loud as you.

But it seems to me now you're complaining about something that MIGHT
happen and you might want to wait to see what ACTUALLY happens.

"To find out what your opponent is up to, look at what he
says about you" - unknown

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