On 09-Jan-99 Kent Crispin wrote:
> It's obvious, however, from the continual "cc's" to the
> "bwg-n-friends" list in Mikki's messages that things were being
> decided on the closed bwg-n-friends list as far as the ORSC draft was
> concerned.  Most of Mikki's draft just appeared on the ORSC list --
> the comments from the ORSC list are only a small part of the text.  
> Therefore, I think it is safe to say that the ORSC draft was 
> developed through a closed process, with some window dressing 
> interaction on the so-called "open" ORSC list.
> A clever maneuver.

Kent, the truth being that Mikki cc'd copies of his posts to another list that
had an interest in the process.  If anything that is read as being MORE open
and inclusive, by expaning the scope of broadcast of the drafts and comments,
something DNSO.org could learn from.

E-Mail: William X. Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 08-Jan-99
Time: 22:13:38

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